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Album Cover
Janko Nilovic
Last Impressions - Originals & Remixes

Compil. FR 2008 on Vadim Music label
Electronic and Jazz (Soul-Jazz, Trip Hop, Ambient, Space-Age, Jazz-Rock, Downtempo)

Also available as 4xLP's on Vadim Music (VAD1314LP) and in separate, Originals only and Remixes only LPs and CD versions. The remixes are published by Kapagama. CD2-1 - Spacial Special contains elements of Aerospatial CD2-2 - Soul Expressions contains elements of Soul Impressions CD2-3 - Vocal Improvisations contains elements of Improvisations Pour Deux Voix CD2-4 - Neo Post Scriptum contains elements of Post Scriptum CD2-5 - Leslie's Back contains elements of Chorus for Leslie CD2-6 - Tandoori Flock contains elements of Flock CD2-7 - African Boost contains elements of African Dream CD2-8 - Nova Samba Dio contains elements of Samba Dio CD2-9 - Escape to Chelsea contains elements of Week end à Chelsea CD2-10 - Atchika Nova contains elements of Atchika Boum CD2-11 - Summer Breeze contains elements of Le Vent Dans Les Algues CD2-12 - Flock A Montego Bay contains elements of Flock

PortraitJanko Nilovic voc, key, perc, *1941 FR
album by
Laurent Gaudin
compiled by
Claire Burgess
liner notes, translation from french
PortraitMinimatic ,
performer on track
PortraitLe Grand David , FR
performer on track
PortraitCucumber ,
performer on track
PortraitMetropolitan Jazz Affair , *2002
performer on track
PortraitDJ Day syn, perc, dr,
performer on track
PortraitPatchworks b, FR
performer on track
PortraitKid Loco voc, *1964 FR
performer on track
PortraitDJ Farrapo ,
performer on track
PortraitCasbah 73 ,
performer on track
Portrait7 Samurai , SE
performer on track
PortraitThe Big Knife ,
performer on track
PortraitRoudoudou sampler, key, *1963 FR
performer on track
Thierry Balzan, Jean Michel Gallois Montbrun executive producer
Pierre Noblet liner notes
Janko Nilovic
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1CD 1 OriginalsJanko Nilovic
2AerospatialJanko Nilovic
3Soul ImpressionJanko Nilovic
4Improvisation Pour 2 VoixJanko Nilovic
5Post ScriptumJanko Nilovic
6Chorus For LeslieJanko Nilovic
7FlockJanko Nilovic
8African DreamJanko Nilovic
9Samba DioJanko Nilovic
10Hommage A PeleJanko Nilovic
11Week-End A ChelseaJanko Nilovic
12Funky VillageJanko Nilovic
13Le Vent Dans Les AlguesJanko Nilovic
14To And FroJanko Nilovic
15Shadow Of Our LifeJanko Nilovic
16Golf OpenJanko Nilovic
17Atchika BoumJanko Nilovic
18Para PapayaJanko Nilovic
19Sunder FireJanko Nilovic
20Hand In HandJanko Nilovic
21Vocal InventionsJanko Nilovic
22Blows And RhythmsJanko Nilovic
23Cross RollsJanko Nilovic
24Concerto For A StarJanko Nilovic
25CD 2 RemixesJanko Nilovic
26Spacial SpecialMinimatic
27Soul ExpressionsLe Grand David
28Vocal ImprovisationCucumber (2)
29Neo Post ScriptumMetropolitan Jazz Affair
30Leslie's BackDJ Day
31Tandoori FlockPatchworks
32African BoostKid Loco
33Nova Samba DioDJ Farrapo
34Escape To ChelseaCasbah 73
35Atchika Nova7 Samurai
36Summer BreezeThe Big Knife
37Flock At Montego BayRoudoudou
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