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Album Cover
Jeff Strong
Brain Shift Collection. Power-Rhythmen Für Heilung & Klarheit

Album 2009 on Jkamphausen label
Electronic (Therapy, Ambient, Rhythmic Noise)

8 CD's each housed in a standard jewel case with separate track by track liner notes bundled in an almost squarish stable silver-grey glossy cardboard box. No detailed composer credits, artist/performer credits or production credits given on release. Total Time 07:45:00

PortraitJeff Strong ,
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Den Geist Beruhigen (55:56)Jeff Strong
2ReinigenJeff Strong21:13
3KlärenJeff Strong20:53
4LoslassenJeff Strong15:51
5Kreativität Und Problemlösung (59:12)Jeff Strong
6Probleme LösenJeff Strong27:13
7KreierenJeff Strong31:58
8Fokussierte Aufmerksamkeit (61:14)Jeff Strong
9Fokussierte AufmerksamkeitJeff Strong61:14
10Ruhe Und Gelassenheit (61:24)Jeff Strong
11Gonga-RuheJeff Strong30:40
12Udu-RuheJeff Strong30:38
13Kraftvoll Erfrischendes Schläfchen (61:48)Jeff Strong
14WiederherstellenJeff Strong18:48
15AuftankenJeff Strong22:40
16ErfrischenJeff Strong20:18
17Qi Meridian Körper-Ausgleich (56:59)Jeff Strong
18FeuerJeff Strong5:30
19ErdeJeff Strong4:44
20MetallJeff Strong5:08
21WasserJeff Strong5:14
22HolzJeff Strong5:27
23BalanceJeff Strong9:54
24WiederbelebungJeff Strong20:34
25Tiefer Meditativer Zustand (61:25)Jeff Strong
26Ein StammJeff Strong31:22
27Die ReiseJeff Strong30:01
28Übergang In Den Schlaf (47:28)Jeff Strong
29Übergang In Den SchlafJeff Strong47:28
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