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Album Cover
Jens Unmack
Dagene Løber Som Heste

Album DK 2009 on Auditorium label
Rock and Pop (Pop Rock)

PortraitJens Unmack voc, *1964 DK
vocals, album by
PortraitNicolai Munch-Hansen b, *1977
PortraitLouise Foo voc,
PortraitJesper Elnegaard dr, perc,
PortraitRune Kjeldsen g,
PortraitMikkel Damgaard key,
PortraitThe City Of Prague Philharmonic ,
Nikolaj Nørlund mixed by, producer, recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Piloten På Sin Allersidste DagJens Unmack
2Dagene Løber Som HesteJens Unmack
3StjernelysJens Unmack
4Hvis Du Tager Mig MedJens Unmack
5Mænd Uden OrdJens Unmack
6I De Tabte SaleJens Unmack
7Motorvej Til HimlenJens Unmack
8Steder Hvor Du BløderJens Unmack
9VinterpaladsJens Unmack
10Det Eneste Vi HarJens Unmack
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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