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Album Cover
Jerry Fielding, Leonard Rosenman
Escape From Alcatraz / Hell Is For Heroes

Compil. US 2013 on Intrada label
Soundtrack (Score)

PortraitJerry Fielding key, 1922-1980 US
album by
PortraitLeonard Rosenman , 1924-2008 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Hell Is For HeroesJerry Fielding, Leonard Rosenman
2Main TitleLeonard Rosenman
3ReeseLeonard Rosenman
4Off Limits BarLeonard Rosenman
5Belligerent ReeseLeonard Rosenman
6Homer’s DisappointmentLeonard Rosenman
7Back To The LineLeonard Rosenman
8The Mine Field, Part 1Leonard Rosenman
9The Mine Field, Part 2Leonard Rosenman
10Battle Shock And Reese’s RageLeonard Rosenman
11Kennedy’s Speech/End TitleLeonard Rosenman
12Escape From AlcatrazJerry Fielding, Leonard Rosenman
13Main TitleJerry Fielding
14Welcome To AlcatrazJerry Fielding
15Solitary And Home AgainJerry Fielding
16Carpenter ShopJerry Fielding
17CockroachJerry Fielding
18Welding In The Cell/Digging The GrillJerry Fielding
19Wedge And 1st MontageJerry Fielding
20Utility CorridorJerry Fielding
21Trial RunJerry Fielding
22Nosey CopJerry Fielding
23The PipeJerry Fielding
24Bye Boy (Film Version)Jerry Fielding
25Wedge And 1st MontageJerry Fielding
26Beginning Of EscapeJerry Fielding
27To The Finish LineJerry Fielding
28End Credits (Film Version)Jerry Fielding
29The ExtraJerry Fielding, Leonard Rosenman
30Welcome To Alcatraz (Unused)Jerry Fielding
31Bye Boy (Original Version)Jerry Fielding
32End Credits (Original Version)Jerry Fielding
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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