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Album Cover
Jerry Lee Lewis
16 Songs Never Released Before 2

Compil. FR 1975 on Charly Records label
Rock, Folk, World and (Rock’n’Roll, Country)

Original release. Title on back cover: 16 Songs Never Released Before License : Sun Records, a division of the Shelby Singleton Corp. Nashville, Tenn., USA Distributed through Motors by Sonopresse. (P)1975 Charly Records Actually only four tracks - A2, B2, B4 and B6 - are first issued here. Track B2 title (appeared in later releases): The Marines' Hymn Track B3 title on label: I Forgot To Remember To Remember To Forget Track B6 printed duration: 2:34

PortraitJerry Lee Lewis p, voc, *1935 US
album by, piano
PortraitGeorges Collange , *1946 FR
compiled by, mastered by
PortraitLinda Gail Lewis voc, p, *1947 US
Dominique Gangloff artwork
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Mexicali RoseJerry Lee Lewis1:32
2Lucky Old SunJerry Lee Lewis3:08
3Ole Pal Of YesterdayJerry Lee Lewis2:34
4All Night LongJerry Lee Lewis2:02
5Come What MayJerry Lee Lewis2:01
6I Don't Love NobodyJerry Lee Lewis2:07
7Tomorrow NightJerry Lee Lewis2:55
8Shame On YouJerry Lee Lewis2:08
9Carolina Sunshine GirlJerry Lee Lewis1:50
10InstrumentalJerry Lee Lewis2:24
11I Forgot To Remember To ForgetJerry Lee Lewis2:11
12No More Than I GetJerry Lee Lewis2:22
13Nothing ShakingJerry Lee Lewis1:58
14Just Who Is To BlameJerry Lee Lewis2:17
15Born To LooseJerry Lee Lewis2:38
16Long Gone Lonesome BluesJerry Lee Lewis2:02
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