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Album Cover
Jessie Mae Hemphill
Get Right Blues

Album US 2003 on Inside Sounds label
Blues (Country Blues)

All tracks previously unreleased. 9, 14, 15 recorded near Como, February 1979 4, 8, 12 recorded near Como at Jessie Mae Hemphill's home, July 1979 11 recorded at Shoe Productions, October 1979 2, 13 recorded at University of Memphis Recording Studio, January 1984 3, 6, 7, 10 recorded at University of Memphis Recording Studio, March 1984 1, 5 recorded at University of Memphis Recording Studio, November 1985

PortraitJessie Mae Hemphill voc, g, tam, 1923-2006 US
album by, vocals, guitar, bass drum, snare, written by, vocals, guitar, written by, bells, ankle, vocals, guitar, written by, tambourine, foot, vocals, written by, zither, diddley bow, vocals, written by, tambourine, hand, vocals, written by, guitar, bass drum, tambourine, foot, vocals, written by, guitar, bass drum, snare, tambourine, foot, vocals, written by, guitar, tambourine, foot, vocals, tambourine, hand, vocals, written by, guitar, bells, ankle
PortraitDavid Evans , US
producer, photography, inside, recorded by, guitar
PortraitBettye Mitchell ,
PortraitLois Brown b,
PortraitJoe Hicks dr, voc,
PortraitCompton Jones ,
tambourine, vocals, zither, bo-diddley, vocals, tambourine, percussion, hat box
PortraitNapoleon Strickland ,
PortraitGlen Faulkner ,
zither, bo-diddley
John Robinette artwork, cover painting
Chris Johnson design, layout
Eddie Dattel executive-producer
Jason McDaniel mixed by, remastered by
Tom Wofford photography, back cover
Alan Reitano recorded by
Bob Vinisky recorded by
Cosette Collier recorded by
Jerry Thompson recorded by
Jeff Cline remastered by, supervision
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Streamline TrainJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill5:07
2Shake Your Booty (Shake It, Baby)Jessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill4:00
3Go Back To Your Used To BeJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill3:30
4Take Me Home With You, BabyJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill2:45
5Baby, Please Don't GoJessie Mae HemphillBig Joe Williams3:11
6Lord, Help The Poor And NeedyJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill2:24
7Cowgirl BluesJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill3:28
8Little Rooster ReelJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill2:59
9He's A Mighty Good LeaderJessie Mae HemphillTraditional3:22
10All Night Boogie (Jessie's Boogie)Jessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill2:40
11Loving In The MoonlightJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill3:40
12Get Right, ChurchJessie Mae HemphillTraditional1:55
13Jessie's Love Song (Tell Me You Love Me)Jessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill2:49
14Honey BeeJessie Mae HemphillMinnie McCoy5:31
15Jesus Will Fix It For YouJessie Mae HemphillJessie Mae Hemphill3:26
External Links
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