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Album Cover
Jim Norton
Yellow Discipline

Album US 2003 on EATABULLET INC. label
Spoken Word (Comedy)

CREDITS Editing and Mixing - Jim Bollella Inside Jacket photography - Anna Campanelli at Industria Studios Front Cover - Tour Design Jim Norton Motivational Tapes & Jim Norton Doll produced by Steve Carlesi & John Costatino "Amadeo" by Rob Balducci used with permission in the Jim Norton Motivational Tapes Taped at THE STRESS FACTORY, New Brunswick, NJ

PortraitJim Norton , *1968 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Vinny's awful introJim Norton
2New JoiseyJim Norton
3Fargo & a droopy lipJim Norton
4kill yourself in SeattleJim Norton
5Bed, Bath & BeyondJim Norton
6Boca Raton and shaky peopleJim Norton
7Michael J Fox is an alcoholicJim Norton
8Aspen sure is expensiveJim Norton
9Sex & racismJim Norton
10Michael Jackson is the Artist of the MillenniumJim Norton
11a Britney logJim Norton
12Liz Taylor's hairy hatJim Norton
13good ole' MarthaJim Norton
14wacky bumper stickersJim Norton
15the elephant on SouthwestJim Norton
16making a gal laughJim Norton
17adorable observations about the mentally challengedJim Norton
18actors and my awful headJim Norton
19a single, impotent, meaty breasted failureJim Norton
20profiling and the shoe bombing monkeyJim Norton
21I wish I were gayJim Norton
22sensitive nipplesJim Norton
23loving a chubby dumperJim Norton
24meaty lipsJim Norton
25squeamish girls stinkJim Norton
26pornographyJim Norton
27oral treatsJim Norton
28Vinny's awful outroJim Norton
29Jim Norton talking dollJim Norton
30Jim Norton's motivational tapesJim Norton
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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