tr, *1939
A.k.a. James C. LaRocca
LaRocca, Jimmy (James C.), trumpet; b. New Orleans, LA, 27 October 1939. He grew up in New Orleans and was taught trumpet by his father when he was 10 years old. He is the son of Nick LaRocca, the leader of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band, the band that made the first jazz (jass) recording in 1917 (Victor *#18255). Later, he took trumpet lessons from George Jensen of Loyola University in New Orleans. He is from a family of musicians on my father's side going back to the early 1800's (Sicily). His grandfather was a cornet player (Giarolamo LaRocca) and his grandmother was from a musical family as well. At this time, he is the leader of the "Original Dixieland Jazz Band" (t.m. reg.). He plays traditional jazz and has four CDs out. He also has 4,200 tunes under copyright, 35 of them on his last three CDs. Recordings: 80 Years of Jazz (1997); 110 Anniversary of a Jazz Legend (1999); Listen to My Heart (2000); Jimmy LaRocca (2001)