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Joane Hétu

Album CA 2011 on Ambiances Magnétiques label
Electronic and Jazz (Experimental)

The Warp - Act 1 - Featuring only the the male performer, five musicians, this first act represents the warp yarn, the basis of any piece of fabric. A metaphor on continuity, stability and union, this sound space consists of sustained sounds and repeated sequences. The Weft - Act 2 - Performed by the women, five musicians, this act represents the weft yarn, which is used to weave the fabric. It is here a metaphor on the weaver's imagination. A suite of musical textures and colours, the weft is orchestrated to produce a sound space rich in tones, moods and dynamics. The Pattern - Act 3 - Featuring the whole ensemble, this act represents the assemblage of the warp and weft yarns. The fabric and its patterns finally take shape. This delicate blending of the music and textures presented in the previous acts make us lose sight of warp and weft: now the weaver's art comes to the fore, with wonderful patterns emerging on the fabric.

PortraitJoane Hétu voc, as, *1958 CA
alto saxophone, voice, album by
PortraitJean Derome fl, *1955 CA
alto saxophone, vocals, singer, flute, flutes
PortraitMélanie Auclair vc,
cello, voice
PortraitNormand Guilbeault cb,
double bass, voice
PortraitPierre Tanguay dr, perc, *1957 CA
drums, voice
PortraitEnsemble SuperMusique ,
PortraitClaire Gignac rec, voc, fl,
vocals, singer, flute, flutes
PortraitDanielle Palardy Roger voc, perc, dr, *1949 CA
percussion, voice
PortraitDiane Labrosse sampler, voc, *1950 CA
sampler, voice
PortraitNémo Venba tr, CA
trumpet, voice
PortraitGuido del Fabbro vn, *1980 CA
violin, voice
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Chaîne - Acte IJoane Hétu23:08
2Tisser Pour Toi LaJoane Hétu1:53
3Chacun Son FilJoane Hétu2:38
4Lin + Tisser Pour Toi LbJoane Hétu3:30
5LaineJoane Hétu6:15
6CotonJoane Hétu2:07
7Amure + SoieJoane Hétu2:26
8Je Suis SolideJoane Hétu4:15
9Trame - Acte IIJoane Hétu22:07
10Rugueux + Soyeux + VaporeuxJoane Hétu2:55
11Faire TapisserieJoane Hétu1:09
12Je Suis Si Cassante + Velours + PerléesJoane Hétu3:00
13Fibres Inconnues + BobinageJoane Hétu1:54
14Tisser Pour Toi 2 + OuateuxJoane Hétu3:08
15Bouclés + TexturésJoane Hétu2:17
16PeloteJoane Hétu2:27
17Laineux + Chiffonnés + BrillantJoane Hétu2:29
18Fibre + NavetteJoane Hétu2:44
19Motif - Acte IIIJoane Hétu29:52
20Tisser Pour Toi 3aJoane Hétu2:12
21Faire Tapisserie 2Joane Hétu1:13
22Le CollierJoane Hétu2:20
23On AttacheJoane Hétu0:55
24Je Suis Solide 2Joane Hétu3:03
25Collier RiffJoane Hétu3:43
26Elle TravailleJoane Hétu6:06
27 L’habit De L’empereurJoane Hétu3:09
28 Le TisserandJoane Hétu3:38
29 Tisser Pour Toi 3bJoane Hétu1:57
30 DéfilageJoane Hétu1:35

30sec audio samples provided by

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