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Album Cover
Joe Hisaishi
天空の城ラピュタ ハイテックシリーズ (Laputa: Castle In The Sky)

Album JP 1993 on Studio Ghibli Records label
Soundtrack (Soundtrack)

PortraitJoe Hisaishi p, *1950
composed by, coporsed by, album by
PortraitMichiaki Kato g,
arranged by
Hikaru Kebekawa design
Shoichi Hara engineer
Hiroyuki Kamii producer
Kazuo Sudo production manager, production co-ordinat
Tadashi Yoshida production manager, production co-ordinat
Takashi Watanabe supervised by
Toshio Suzuki supervised by
Joe Hisaishi
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1空から降ってきた少女Joe Hisaishi3:27
2ゴンドアの想い出Joe Hisaishi4:30
3タイガーモス号にてJoe Hisaishi3:49
4ロボット兵Joe Hisaishi3:51
5失意のパズーJoe Hisaishi3:55
6君をのせてJoe Hisaishi3:14
7スラッグ渓谷の朝Joe Hisaishi3:14
8破滅への予兆Joe Hisaishi3:49
9シータの決意Joe Hisaishi3:43
10天空の城ラピュタJoe Hisaishi4:17
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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