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Album Cover
Joe Hisaishi
Castle In The Sky (Original USA Soundtrack)

Album JP 2002 on Studio Ghibli Records label
Soundtrack (Modern Classical, Ambient, Soundtrack)

Soundtrack album to the US version of the Ghibli film, "Laputa: Castle in the Sky."

PortraitJoe Hisaishi p, *1950
arranged by, producer, produced by, composed by, music composed by, album by
PortraitVince Mendoza key, *1961 US
conductor, conducted by
Takashi Nagai
management, music publisher
Seattle Music
performer, performed by
Manabu Oda
product manager, sales promoter
PortraitTokyo Broadcasting Children's Chorus Group ,
Kazumi Inaki a&r
Tomoko Okada a&r
Noriko Tsushi a&r, assistant a&r
Junko Ishino art direction
Hiroyuki Akita engineer, assistant engineer
Toshio Suzuki executive-producer
Masaaki Kato mastered by, mastering engineer
Ikuko Okamoto production manager
Suminobu Hamada recorded by, recording engineer
Mikiko Takeda supervised by
Stephen M. Alpert supervised by
Joe Hisaishi
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Flaptors Attack (Prologue)Joe Hisaishi
2The Girl Who Fell From The Sky (Main Theme)Joe Hisaishi
3The Levitation CrystalJoe Hisaishi
4Morning In The Mining VillageJoe Hisaishi
5Pazu's FanfareJoe Hisaishi
6The Legend Of LaputaJoe Hisaishi
7A Street BrawlJoe Hisaishi
8The ChaseJoe Hisaishi
9Floating With The CrystalJoe Hisaishi
10Memories Of GondoaJoe Hisaishi
11Stones Glowing In The DarknessJoe Hisaishi
12Disheartened PazuJoe Hisaishi
13Robot Soldiers (Resurrection-Rescue)Joe Hisaishi
14Dola And The PiratesJoe Hisaishi
15Confessions In The MoonlightJoe Hisaishi
16The Dragon's NestJoe Hisaishi
17The Lost ParadiseJoe Hisaishi
18The Forgotten Robot SoldierJoe Hisaishi
19The Invasion Of GoliathJoe Hisaishi
20Pazu Fights BackJoe Hisaishi
21The Final ShowdownJoe Hisaishi
22The Destruction Of Laputa (Choral Version)Joe Hisaishi
23The Eternal Tree Of LifeJoe Hisaishi
External Links
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