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Album Cover
Johan Gielen

Album NL 2006 on Tunes For You label
Dance (Trance, Techno)

Enhanced part contains 'Johan Gielen Moments Reel' video in MOV format. Video format: H.264 (524x288) Audio format: MPEG-4 Audio (48 KHz, stereo) Printed in booklet: All tracks produced and arranged for Johan Gielen Productions B.V. Tracks 1-1, 1-2, 1-5 to 1-10, 2-4, 2-6: Published by Copyright Control/Blue Line Ent. (Talpa Music)/ADM Music (Talpa Music). Tracks 1-3, 2-3: Published by Copyright Control/Akatishia Publishing (Talpa Music). Tracks 1-4, 2-1, 2-5: Published by Copyright Control/Blue Line Ent. (Talpa Music). Track 1-11: Published by Copyright Control/Akatishia Publishing (Talpa Music)/Copyright Control/Copyright Control/Copyright Control. Track 2-2: Published by Copyright Control/Blue Line Ent. (Talpa Music)/Magdalena Melodies (Strengholt Music Group)/Sony ATV Music Publishing. Tracks 2-4, 2-5: Remix and additional production for Johan Gielen Productions B.V. Mastered at Foon Mastering Center. All tracks © 2005/2006 Tunes for You/Black Hole Recordings B.V. Artwork and design for Crazy Creations. Printed on back and CD artwork: © 2006 Tunes for You//Black Hole Recordings Made in Holland. Packaging: jewel case housed in cardboard slipcase.

PortraitJohan Gielen , *1968 BE
album by, written by, composed by, producer, arranged by
PortraitJim Hermsen , *1982 NL
written by, composed by, producer, arranged by
PortraitJop Van Amelsfoort ,
written by, composed by, producer, arranged by
PortraitJosh Millstone ,
PortraitJ. Berkenbosh ,
guitar, additional live guitar performance
PortraitFrederic Gervais ,
producer, arranged by, written by, composed by
PortraitNorman Soares ,
producer, arranged by
PortraitSally Corlett voc,
vocals, vocal performance by, written by, composed by
PortraitDavid Lewin ,
written by, composed by
PortraitPaul Crawley ,
written by, composed by
PortraitBenno De Goeij , *1975
written by, composed by
PortraitPiet Bervoets , *1970 NL
written by, composed by
Arny Bink artwork, design
Paul Van Der Jonckheyd mastered by
Michel Mees photography by
Akatishia remix
Frederic Gervais remix, producer, additional production
Norman Soares remix, producer, additional production
DJ Montana remix, producer, additional production
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Kuredu ExpressJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort6:54
2Physical OverdriveJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort7:06
3Rock Your DreamJohan GielenFrederic Gervais, Johan Gielen5:21
4Show Me What You GotJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen7:36
5MagnitudeJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort6:59
6MomentsJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort7:07
7C Me Trippin'Johan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort7:54
8RevelationsJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort7:58
9Okinawa SunsetJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort6:19
10Short CirquitJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort7:53
11Reached You AnywayJohan GielenDavid Lewin, Frederic Gervais, Johan Gielen, Paul Crawley, Sally Corlett5:40
12FlashJohan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen7:12
13DreamchildJohan GielenBenno De Goeij, Jim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Piet Bervoets8:38
14Desert StormJohan GielenFrederic Gervais, Johan Gielen5:49
15Physical Overdrive (Akatishia Remix)Johan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort8:36
16Show Me What You Got (Montana's Greenwich Breeze Mix)Johan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen7:37
17Moments (Breakable Down Mix)Johan GielenJim Hermsen, Johan Gielen, Jop Van Amelsfoort9:35
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