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Album Cover
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin
Sacro-Profanus Sonatas

Album FR 2013 on Zig Zag Territoires label
Classical (Baroque)

℗ & © Outhere Music France 2012 Recording: September 11, 2012 - September 14, 2012, Eglise Saint-Laurent, Laval-en-Brie, France Total Time: 53'55 Digipak include 30 page booklet with notes in French, English and German Made in Austria

PortraitJohann Heinrich Schmelzer vn, 1620-1680 AT
album by
PortraitEnsemble Masques , *1996 CA
ensemble, album by
PortraitOlivier Fortin hps, org, *1973 CA
harpsichord, directed by, producer, artistic direction, album by
PortraitJulien Debordes bsn, *1980 FR
PortraitCharles Johnston ,
liner notes, english translation
PortraitCatherine Meeus vn, acg,
liner notes, french translation
PortraitKathleen Kajioka vl, vn, CA
PortraitSimon Heyerick vn, *1954 BE
PortraitMélisande Corriveau vc, rec,
viola da gamba, violoncello
PortraitSophie Gent vn, AU
PortraitTuomo Suni vn, acg, FI
PortraitBenoit Vanden Bemden cb, gam, BE
Virgile Hermelin booklet editor, coordinator, production
Frederik Styns executive-producer
Jérôme Witz graphics, photography by
Albert Edelman liner notes
Emma Pick photography by
Frank Ferville photography by
Aline Blondiau edited by, mastered by, engineer, recording, producer, recording
Franck Jaffrès production manager, producer, artistic direction
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Sonata 4 a Sei (Sacro-profanus Concentus Musicus)Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin4:38
2Sonata 3 a Sei (Sacro-profanus Concentus Musicus)Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin4:41
3Sonata a Cinque Per Camera: Al Giorno Delle CorreggieJohann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin4:48
4Sonata 6 a Sei (Sacro-profanus Concentus Musicus)Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin3:32
5Sonata 6 a Sei (Sacro-profanus Concentus Musicus)Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin4:23
6Balletto a Quatro: Die FechtschuleJohann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin7:36
7Sonata 5 a Sei (Sacro-profanus Concentus Musicus)Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin3:28
8Polnische SackpfeiffenJohann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin6:28
9Sonata 9 a Cinque (Sacro-profanus Concentus Musicus)Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin3:58
10Sonata 9 a Cinque (Sacro-profanus Concentus Musicus)Johann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin3:24
11Lamento Sopra la Morte Ferdinandi IIIJohann Heinrich Schmelzer, Ensemble Masques, Olivier Fortin6:53
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