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Album Cover
Johann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra
Wachet Auf!

Album US 1989 on Dorian Recordings label
Classical (Baroque, Vocal)

Total Program Length: 50:46 Liner Notes in English, German & French. Includes Full Libretto in German, English & French. Recorded at the First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem (Pennsylvania), January 27 and 28, 1989. The producers and performers gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Canada Council. The assistance of Colwell Arts Management is also greatly appreciated. Cover painting: Ascribed to Boccaccino (Cremonese, active 1493; died 1524/25) Altarpiece: The Way to Calvary. [Wood, painted area 132.1 x 130.8 cm. Reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees, The National Gallery, London.] The Way to Calvary was selected as the cover for this recording to illustrate the text in Cantata 56 (I will the cross-staff gladly carry,/It comes from God's beloved hand...) Translations: ♦ Cantata BWV 56 1. Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen — I will the cross-staff gladly carry 2. Mein Wandel auf der Welt — My sojourn in the world 3. Endlich, endlich wird mein Joch — One day, one day shall my yoke 4. Ich stehe fertig und bereit — I stand here ready and prepared 5. Komm, o Tod, du Schlafes Bruder — Come, O death, of sleep the brother ♦ Canatata BWV 140: 1. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme — Wake, arise, the voices call us 2. Er kommt, er kommt — He comes, he comes 3. Wenn kömmst du, mein Heil? — When coms't thou, my Saviour? 4. Zion Hört Die Wächter Singen — Zion hears the watchmen singing 5. So geh herein zu mir — So come within to me 6. Mein Freund ist mein — My friend is mine 7. Gloria sei dir gesungen — Gloria to thee be sung now ♦ Motet BWV Anh. 159: Ich lasse dich nicht — I'll not let thee go ℗1989 Dorian Recordings™, a division of The Dorian Group, Ltd. 17 State Street • Suite 2E, Troy, NY 12180 USA(518)274-5475 In Europe, Dorian Recordings Europe, Rue Du Progress 52/18, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium (32)02/218.39.87 ℗© 1989 Bach Choir of Bethlehem, Inc. and Dorian Digital Recordings, Inc. This recording is released under license to Dorian Recordings™, a division of The Dorian Group, Ltd.

PortraitJohann Sebastian Bach , 1685-1750 DE
album by
PortraitThe Bach Choir Of Bethlehem , US
choir, album by
PortraitThe Bach Festival Orchestra , CA
orchestra, album by
PortraitAnne Peterson b,
PortraitDaniel Lichti ,
bass vocals
PortraitCharles Holdeman bsn,
PortraitMichael Finckel vc, man, US
PortraitGreg Funfgeld key,
conductor, directed by, music
PortraitDaniel Braden frh,
french horn
PortraitRobin A. Leaver ,
liner notes, other, program annotator
PortraitZ. Philip Ambrose ,
liner notes, english text translation
Marie-Noëlle Maillard
liner notes, french translation
Silvia Wilson
liner notes, german translation
PortraitJames Mason ob, CA
PortraitNancianne Parrella org,
PortraitCharlotte Mattax org,
organ, portativ
PortraitFrauke Haasemann voc,
other, diction coach
H. Scott Heist
photography by, page 4
PortraitThomas Goeman p, org,
piano, rehearsal accompanist
PortraitHenriette Schellenberg , *1947 CA
soprano vocals
PortraitDavid Gordon voc, US
tenor vocals
PortraitLaura Hamilton vn, *1959 US
Chrisner And Christensen design
Douglas Brown engineer, edited by
Roland Kushner executive producer
Hub Wilson photography by, booklet
Craig D. Dory producer, engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Cantata BWV 56 Ich Will Den Kreuzstab Gerne TragenJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra
2Aria: Ich Will Den Kreuzstab Gerne TragenJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra6:39
3Recitative: Mein Wandel Auf Der WeltJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra2:16
4Aria: Endlich, Endlich Wird Mein JochJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra6:34
5Recitative And Arioso: Ich Stehe Fertig Und BereitJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra1:40
6Chorale: Komm, O Tod, Du Schlafes BruderJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra1:37
7Cantata BMV 140 Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die StimmeJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra
8Chorale (Verse I): Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die StimmeJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra6:47
9Recitative: Er Kommt, Er KommtJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra0:56
10Aria (Duet): Wenn Kömmst Du, Mein Heil?Johann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra5:56
11Chorale (Verse II): Zion Hört Die Wächter SingenJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra3:59
12Recitative: So Geh Herein Zu MirJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra1:37
13Aria (Duet): Mein Freund Ist MeinJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra5:47
14Chorale (Verse III): Gloria Sei Dir GesungenJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra1:56
15Johann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra
16Motet BWV Anh. 159 Ich Lasse Dich NichtJohann Sebastian Bach • The Bach Choir Of Bethlehem And The Bach Festival Orchestra4:06
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