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Album Cover
John Cale
Cale Street

Album IT 1992 on Great Dane Records label

8-page booklet with catalog of "Great Dane Records", no further information regarding release. Sticker on CD case back: "C.D. ITALIA / FABBRICATO / SIAE / ESTERO / 6490110". This was recorded Live at the Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany March 7, 1983

PortraitJohn Cale eb, vl, *1942 GB
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1GhostJohn Cale2:44
2Ship Of FoolsJohn Cale3:26
3Leaving It Up To YouJohn Cale4:19
4AmsterdamJohn Cale3:07
5Child's Christmas In WalesJohn Cale6:27
6Antarctica Starts HereJohn Cale2:47
7Taking It All AwayJohn Cale1:49
8RiverbankJohn Cale4:24
9Paris 1919John Cale4:23
10GutsJohn Cale3:39
11Chinese EnvoyJohn Cale4:00
12Thoughtless KindJohn Cale2:53
13Only Time Will TellJohn Cale2:16
14Cable HogueJohn Cale3:30
15Dead Or AliveJohn Cale3:12
16I'm Waiting For The ManJohn CaleLou Reed5:05
17Heartbreak HotelJohn CaleElvis Presley, Mae Boren Axton, Tommy Durden4:47
18ChoraleJohn Cale3:15
19Fear Is A Man's Best FriendJohn Cale3:51
20Close WatchJohn Cale2:57
21Buffalo BalletJohn Cale3:07
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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