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Album Cover
John Kirby
Listen The Birds 7 = Hoor De Vogels 7

Single NL on Europese Fono Club label
Spoken Word (Field Recording)

Released in collaboration with The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (The Lodge, Sandy, Beds.- England) and The Dutch Society for Bird Protection (Reguliersgracht 9 - Amsterdam). The tracks are numbered (as followed) continuously over both sides: 1., 2., 3.,... ...11. The record comes in a gate-fold sleeve with notes in Dutch and English. Alongside the notes describing the birds are drawings in black and white of each of them. This recording was released in the early 1960's. This release has a catalog of the series displayed at the back cover with volumes 1 to 9. Latin bird names as printed on the inner side of the gatefold sleeve: 1. Prunella Modularis (Dunnock) 2. Passer Domesticus 3. Passer Montanus 4. Chloris Chloris 5. Carduelis Carduelus 6. Fringilla Coelebs 7. Carduelis Flammea 8. Carduelis Cannabina 9. Carduelis Flavirostris 10. Emberiza Calandra 11. Emberiza Citrinella

PortraitJohn Kirby , GB
album by
Ko Zweeres
arranged by
Philip Brown
arranged by
John Markham photography by, cover - chaffinch = vink
John Kirby recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Hedge Sparrow = HeggemusJohn Kirby
2House Sparrow = HuismusJohn Kirby
3Tree Sparrow = RingmusJohn Kirby
4Greenfinch = GroenlingJohn Kirby
5Goldfinch = PutterJohn Kirby
6Chaffinch = VinkJohn Kirby
7Lesser Redpoll = BarmsijsJohn Kirby
8Linnet = KneuJohn Kirby
9Twite = FraterJohn Kirby
10Corn Bunting = Grauwe GorsJohn Kirby
11Yellowhammer = GeelgorsJohn Kirby
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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