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Album Cover
John Luther Adams
The Place Where You Go To Listen - Interactive Guide

Album US 2007 on University Of Alaska Museum Of The North label
Electronic and Spoken Word (Interview, Experimental)

CD-ROM which acts as a supplement to John Luther Adams' "The Place Where You Go To Listen" sound-exhibit, containing info about how it works, satellite images, sound samples and interview footage with the composer. Available exclusively at the University Of Alaska Museum Of The North Store. Tracks 2, 8, 9, 12 to 14, 16, 17, 19 to 21 and 28 to 30 are sound samples. Tracks 1, 3 to 7, 10, 11, 15, 18 and 22 to 27 are interview clips. Packaged in slim jewel case. © 2007 University of Alaska Museum of the North

PortraitJohn Luther Adams perc, *1953 US
composed by, interviewee, liner notes, writer, album by
Terry Dickey
coordinator, education, liner notes, editor
Roger Topp
layout, design, graphic, liner notes, writer, animation, cameraman, videography, other, cd-rom programming, photography by, aurora/cover
Barry McWayne
photography by, adams
PortraitJim Altieri vn,
programmed by
Debi-Lee Wilkinson
programmed by, magnetometer programmer
John Stachnik
programmed by, seismology programmer
Dirk Lummerzheim
research, aurora
Curt Szuberla
computer, sunangles, moonangles, & moonphases, research, mathematics
James Brader
research, meteorology
John Olson
research, physics, infrasound
Roger Hansen
research, seismology
Wanda Chin coordinator, exhibits and design
Aldona Jonailtis directed by, museum director
Kirsten Pickard layout, design, graphic
Jennifer Arseneau liner notes, editor
Kerynn Fisher liner notes, editor
Peggy Hetman other, administrative assistant
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The Work Of ArtJohn Luther Adams
2Invitation To ListenJohn Luther Adams
3A Few Moments In TimeJohn Luther Adams
4NaalagiagvikJohn Luther Adams
5The IdeaJohn Luther Adams
6The GeographyJohn Luther Adams
7GeographyJohn Luther Adams
8The Sound & LightJohn Luther Adams
9Colors Of NoiseJohn Luther Adams
10Sound FieldsJohn Luther Adams
11Day And NightJohn Luther Adams
12The ChoirsJohn Luther Adams
13Choirs At SunsetJohn Luther Adams
14Choirs In Summer And WinterJohn Luther Adams
15The WeatherJohn Luther Adams
16The WeatherJohn Luther Adams
17The MoonJohn Luther Adams
18The MoonJohn Luther Adams
19Winter Full MoonJohn Luther Adams
20Fall MoonJohn Luther Adams
21Fall Sunset With MoonriseJohn Luther Adams
22The AuroraJohn Luther Adams
23Aurora BellsJohn Luther Adams
24An Aurora EventJohn Luther Adams
25Winter Solstice With AuroraJohn Luther Adams
26EarthquakesJohn Luther Adams
27Earth DrumsJohn Luther Adams
28A Large EarthquakeJohn Luther Adams
29A Small EarthquakeJohn Luther Adams
30Summer Solstice With QuakeJohn Luther Adams
31The ExperienceJohn Luther Adams
32Real TimeJohn Luther Adams
33Sound SystemJohn Luther Adams
34The LightingJohn Luther Adams
35CompositionJohn Luther Adams
36Tuning The WorldJohn Luther Adams
37Noise Imparts RichnessJohn Luther Adams
38Breath Of The WorldJohn Luther Adams
39ExamplesJohn Luther Adams
40Winter Solstice With AuroraJohn Luther Adams
41Fall Sunset With MoonriseJohn Luther Adams
42Summer Solstice With QuakeJohn Luther Adams
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