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Musician of Dance
A.k.a. John Nicolò Martin
Former musician, DJ, and TV technician, graduated with honors at Politecnico in Milan (where teaches for 2 years) in Analisi di Sistemi Urbani (Analysis of Urban Systems). In 1983 first band JM Factory with Carlo Virzi drums, Max Confa bass, Daniel Fiore guitar, Isi Flower keyboards. Forms with Luis Acca Top Life in 1985. Publishes (with Primo Moroni) "Dal Nomadismo Urbano al Mangiare il Centro" and the essay La Luna Sotto Casa, solding over 1500 copies only in Milan and now is called The Bible of Counterculture in Milan. In 2007 gives life to the blog to "Classic Rock" specializing on Italian Progressive Rock 70's, which exceeds 1,5 million pages views in April 2013. Collaborates with Ivan Guerreri, winner of Calvino Prize 2009 and also with the music magazine Contrappunti. Is inspiretor of the album Apeirophobia by neo-prog If Sounds, which gets an excellent feedback from throughout world community prog. In Jan. 2013 writes "Milano: appunti di archeologia punk" ("Milan: notes of Punk archeology", theme for the upcoming anthology.
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