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Album Cover
John Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia
Requiem & Magnificat

Compil. UK 1998 on Collegium Records label
Classical (Contemporary, Religious)

Recorded in the Great Hall of University College School, London. (p) 1986, 1991 (c) 1986, 1991 This compilation (p) 1998 This compilation (c) 1998

PortraitJohn Rutter , *1945 GB
composed by, conductor, album by
PortraitThe Cambridge Singers , *1981 GB
choir, album by
PortraitCity Of London Sinfonia , GB
orchestra, album by
PortraitCaroline Ashton ss,
soprano vocals, soloist, soprano solo
PortraitDonna Deam ss,
soprano vocals, soloist, soprano solo
PortraitPatricia Forbes voc,
soprano vocals
PortraitStephen Orton vc, GB
soloist, cello solo
PortraitQuentin Poole ob,
soloist, oboe solo
Philip Atkins cover, cover design
Jim Zuckerman cover, cover photograph
Campbell Hughes engineer, balance engineer
Nick Findell layout
Jillian White producer
The BBC Transcription Unit recorded by
John Rutter
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1RequiemJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia36:55
21. Requiem AeternamJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia6:10
32. Out Of The DeepJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia5:53
43. Pie JesuJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia4:11
54. SanctusJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia2:20
65. Agnus DeiJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia6:06
76. The Lord Is My ShepherdJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia5:12
87. Lux AeternaJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia7:13
9MagnificatJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia37:05
101. Magnificat Anima MeaJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia6:55
112. Of A Rose, A Lovely RoseJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia5:05
123. Quia Fecit Mihi MagnaJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia5:23
134. Et MisericordiaJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia4:46
145. Fecit PotentiamJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia3:37
156. EsurientesJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia6:22
167. Gloria PatriJohn Rutter - The Cambridge Singers, City Of London Sinfonia5:10
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