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Album Cover
John Simon
Harmony Farm

Album JP 1995 on Pioneer label
Jazz and Pop

Credits above are not complete.

PortraitJohn Simon p, *1941 US
alto vocals, piano, album by
PortraitHarvey Brooks b, g, *1944 US
PortraitFrank Dickinson ,
PortraitJunior Brown stg, voc, *1952 US
PortraitJohn Ballesteros ,
PortraitCornelius Bumpus ts, voc, 1945-2004 US
saxophone, flute
PortraitMatt Haviland tb,
PortraitPeter Ecklund cor,
PortraitDiane Wilson voc,
PortraitJackie Cain voc, 1928-2014 US
PortraitRoy Kral p, voc, 1921-2002 US
PortraitBob Magnuson ,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Everybody Thinks That I Left TownJohn Simon
2Touch Your HeartJohn Simon
3Nobody Knows Her Like I Know HerJohn Simon
4Rural RhythmsJohn Simon
5If At First (Just One Lucky Break)John Simon
6Psalm 91John Simon
7Uh-Oh, Here Comes The BluesJohn Simon
8The Good SamaritanJohn Simon
9BiographyJohn Simon
10Little Acts Of FaithJohn Simon
11Piano Playing FoolJohn Simon
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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