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Album Cover
Johnnie And Jack

Album US 1964 on RCA Camden label
Country (Bluegrass)

PortraitJohnnie And Jack , 1938-1963 US
album by, written by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1SincerelyJohnnie And JackAlan Freed, Harvey Fuqua2:05
2I Want To Be LovedJohnnie And JackBailes Brothers1:57
3Slow PoisonJohnnie And JackCharles McCarthy, Leonard Pearl, Walter Hirsch2:26
4Beware Of "It"Johnnie And JackCy Coben3:00
5But I Love You Just The SameJohnnie And JackJohnnie And Jack2:22
6Oh Baby Mine (I Get So Lonely)Johnnie And JackPat Ballard1:55
7Honey, I Need YouJohnnie And JackJohnnie And Jack2:10
8South In New OrleansJohnnie And JackJohnnie And Jack2:17
9Three Ways Of KnowingJohnnie And JackJimmie Davis, Nelson King2:00
10Don't Say Goodbye If You Love MeJohnnie And JackBonnie Dodd, Jimmie Davis2:35
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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