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Album Cover
Når Du Spiller Cool

Album DK 1980 on Black Label label
Rock and R&B/Soul (Pub Rock)

Recorded autumn 1979 at "Stuk Ranch".

PortraitJoila ,
arranged by, album by
PortraitFrank Ehlers ep,
backing vocals, synth, yamaha, electric piano, fender rhodes, piano, (aco.) piano, clavinet, hohner d6
PortraitPer Vinther dr, perc, bvoc,
drums, percussion
PortraitLars Holm b, bvoc,
backing vocals, electric bass, båndløs
PortraitTroels Skovgaard g, eg, *1957
electric guitar, acoustic guitar, backing vocals
PortraitHolger Nielsen voc, eg, bvoc,
lead vocals, electric guitar, backing vocals
Henrik Mølgaard Laustsen artwork, innersleeve
Stig Jessen art direction, artsuperviser, cover, coverbagside
Steffen Richter Friis cover, coverforside
Knud Rosenskjold engineer
Ivan Pedersen producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Og Jeg UndresJoila
2Kolde TåberJoila
3Al Den Legen SkjulJoila
5Beberbøffen SkruerJoila
6Min SkatJoila
9Overstået (I)Joila
10Overstået (II) (Mens Du Var Her)Joila
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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