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Album Cover
Jon Rose
The Fence

Album UK 1998 on ReR Megacorp label
Electronic and Spoken Word (Radioplay, Experimental)

'The Fence' was produced for SFB in Berlin in August 1996, and is a comment on various political fences and borders across the world. 'Bagni Di Dolabella' was produced for 'The Audio Box' in Rome in September 1993, and is a "violinist's guide to the treatments and political intrigues of an ancient Roman bath." Barcode: 7 52725 00902 7

PortraitJon Rose vn, *1951 AU
conductor, lyrics by, text, music by, album by
PortraitThe Orchestra of Ancient Guts ,
Sabine Sacchi
voice, dolabella
Gregg Skerman artwork by, layout, design
Antonella Bottini directed by, assistant
Vinetta Paraldi engineer, recording
Jon Rose
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The FenceJon Rose32:45
2'Iron Curtain'....Jon Rose3:17
3'The Peace Line'Jon Rose3:31
4Two Million SoldiersJon Rose3:33
5The Green LineJon Rose1:51
6"Waste Bins Provided"Jon Rose3:45
7Our PoliceJon Rose3:25
8'The Shouting Fence'Jon Rose2:40
9Potsdammer PlatzJon Rose3:33
10The Wrong PlaceJon Rose4:22
11The Fortune TellersJon Rose2:43
12Fifteen Of The BestJon Rose0:19
13Bagni Di DolabellaJon Rose24:30
14Introduction By One Bored Baths GuideJon Rose2:37
15Bath TechnologyJon Rose1:38
16PreparationsJon Rose1:02
17The Massage ParlourJon Rose3:39
18The Chemical Contents Of The Waters & Spells For CuresJon Rose5:09
19List Of Diseases To Be CuredJon Rose5:26
20Dolabella Reveals All (Steam & Fade)Jon Rose4:15
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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