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Album Cover
Jonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band
Snake City North

Album SE 2005 on Moserobie Music Production label
Jazz (Big Band)

Total time 60:40

PortraitJonas Kullhammar Quartet , *1998 SE
album by
PortraitNorrbotten Big Band ,
album by
PortraitJan Thelin as, bcl, SE
alto saxophone, bass clarinet
PortraitHåkan Broström as, ss, *1955 SE
alto saxophone, soprano saxophone
PortraitPer Moberg bs, fl, sax, SE
baritone saxophone, flute
PortraitTorbjörn Zetterberg cb, b, *1976 SE
PortraitBjörn Hängsel tb, *1959 NO
bass trombone
PortraitJonas Holgersson dr, *1973 SE
PortraitTorbjörn Gulz p, SE
PortraitJonas Kullhammar ts, sax, *1978 SE
tenor saxophone
PortraitMats Garberg ts, fl, SE
tenor saxophone
PortraitBengt Ek ts, cl, SE
tenor saxophone, clarinet
PortraitMagnus Puls tb, SE
PortraitP.O. Svanström tb, voc, SE
PortraitPeter Dahlgren tb, *1974 SE
PortraitBo Strandberg tr, fh, voc, SE
PortraitMagnus Ekholm tr, fh, SE
PortraitTapio Maunuvaara tr,
PortraitDan Johansson tr, fh, SE
trumpet, flugelhorn
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Snake City EastJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band8:40
2KärleksvalsJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band8:10
3Frippes BluesJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band7:21
4Slow DropJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band10:20
5Ruskitoonie McArooniesJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band6:11
6For XJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band8:06
7I Sheriffens KlorJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band8:01
8BebopaluliaJonas Kullhammar Quartet With Norrbotten Big Band3:51
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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