Joyce Riley is a radio talk show host, film maker and activist. She graduated at the University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. A spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association, she provides education and information for the Gulf War veterans and their families. In doing so she is an advocate for them in helping them seek treatment for the illnesses that thousands of the veterans are suffering from. As a Captain in the U.S. Air Force, she flew on C-130 missions in support of Operation Desert Storm. In relation to this she has appeared in documentary films such as "Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own", "ShadowRing" and "The Hidden Enemy: Inside Psychiatry's Covert Agenda". Along with writer, producer/director, musician, civil rights advocate, William Lewis (10), she co-produced "Beyond Treason" and had a hand in the writing as well as appearing in it. She hosts the GCN syndicated Power Hour radio show. She was also previously married to musician / activist / film maker Dave vonKleist.