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Album Cover
Jungle Rot
Dead And Buried

Album FR 2001 on Season Of Mist label
Rock (Death Metal)

Recorded August 2000. Dedicated to the memory of Joe Carlino.

PortraitJungle Rot , *1994 US
producer, music by, lyrics by, album by
PortraitChris Djuricic g, b,
bass, producer, mixed by, additional, recorded by, additional
Jim Garcia
PortraitJimi Bell g, US
PortraitDave Matrise voc, g,
vocals, guitar
Paul Kuhr layout, design, graphic design
Mike Zirkel engineer, recording
Jungle Rot
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Immersed In PainJungle Rot2:33
2VirusJungle Rot2:32
3Misplaced AngerJungle Rot3:32
4Humans Shall PayJungle Rot3:15
5Strangulation MutilationJungle Rot4:15
6Red SkiesJungle Rot3:22
7Killing MachineJungle Rot2:43
8Dead And BuriedJungle Rot4:27
9Psychotic CremationJungle Rot1:25
10AfterlifeJungle Rot3:10
11Circle Of Death / Jungle RotJungle Rot3:29
12Another FixJungle Rot2:10
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Jungle Rot - Dead And Buried FR 2001 Rock
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