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Artist Portrait

Köyhät Ritarit

Band, *1974 FI

Finnish male a cappella group

PortraitHerman Rechberger
perc, g, fl, rec *1947 FI
PortraitJan Rechberger
dr *1974 FI
Teppo Tuominen
gam, vc
Roy Asplund
Kimmo Hakasalo
tam, hps 1934-2016 FI
Arto Juusela
fl, man *1939 FI
Kaj-Erik Gustafsson
org *1938 FI
Sampo Suihko
perc, voc
Arto Wikla
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Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Memoria Sancti HenriciKöyhät Ritarit1995Album
Sic Transeum (Odysseia Eteläeurooppalaiseen Musiikkiin Kautta Aikojen - An Odyssey Into Music From Southern Europe Through The Ages)Köyhät Ritarit & Sonores Antiqui1992Album
Karhujuhla (Musiikkinäytelmä Muinaissuomalaisista Aiheista) = The Bear Feast (A Musical Drama On Ancient Finnish Themes)Köyhät Ritarit & Primo1986Album
Missa Cum JubiloKaj-Erik Gustafsson, Köyhät Ritarit1984Album
Piae Cantiones – Codex PotatorumSonores Antiqui – Köyhät Ritarit1983Album
Köyhät RitaritKöyhät Ritarit1981Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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