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Kayıp Şehir

Album TR 2004 on TMC label
Rock (Funk Metal)

PortraitKıraç acg, voc, dr, *1972 TR
album by, arranged by, written by, arranged by
Necati Şenol
PortraitCengiz Köroğlu stg, eg, g, *1973 TR
bass guitar, mixed by, mastered by, vocals, male, arranged by
Portraitİstanbul Şarkıcıları ,
Ali Rıza Altınkeser
PortraitErsin Gülseli dr,
drums, vocals, male
Burcu Selçuk
PortraitAtakan Yörük eg,
guitar, vocals, male
PortraitBarış Bölükbaşı acg, eg,
guitar, vocals, male, arranged by
PortraitMert Topel key, syn, *1970 TR
PortraitMehmet Akatay perc, TR
Nejat Demirbilek
PortraitToygun Sözen cl, sax,
PortraitFunda Arar voc, clap, *1975 TR
soprano vocals
PortraitKempa , TR
Portraitİlker Görgülü vn,
PortraitKadir Verim str, TR
violin, kabak kemane
PortraitOnno Süzme voc,
PortraitDeniz Güngör dr,
vocals, male
Numan Demirbilek
vocals, male
Murat Toraman
wind, sipsi
Portraitبابک افشار , *1913
composed by, middle intro
PortraitÖmer Faruk Güney ,
lyrics by
PortraitFethi Demir ,
lyrics by
PortraitMusa Eroğlu , *1946 TR
compiled by
Mustafa Karahan executive-producer
Hasan Umut Önder recorded by, mixed by, assistant
Soner Çolak recorded by, mixed by, assistant
Zeynel Abidin Ağgül photography by
Kıraç producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Senden BaşkaKıraçبابک افشار, Ömer Faruk Güney4:47
3Tek HatıraKıraçHakan Özturan3:57
4Razıysan GelKıraçFethi Demir3:40
5Hep SenKıraçKıraç6:26
6Kayıp ŞehirKıraçKıraç5:25
7CemalimKıraçYücel Arzen3:33
9YolcuKıraçNeşet Ertaş4:20
10 Aman AyşamKıraçAnonymous5:40

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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