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Album Cover
Karel Velebný / SHQ
Karel Velebny / SHQ (PF 69)

Album US 1969 on ESP Disk label
Jazz (Free Jazz, Post-Bop, Modal)

© 1969 by United International Copyright Representatives Ltd. ESP-Disk LTD Karel Velebny / SHQ [release title on back cover and center labels] Karel Velebny /// SHQ [release title on spine] ——— Track title B3 is misspelt, correct Czech spelling: “Andulko Šafářová”. Liner notes also refer to the group as the “S+H Quartet”. Uncredited: recorded in Germany, April 1967. Note: the catalog# can be read either way.

PortraitKarel Velebný vib, ts, 1931-1989 CZ
tenor saxophone, bass clarinet, vibraphone, vibes, album by, written by
PortraitSHQ ,
album by
PortraitJiří Stivín fl, *1942 CZ
alto saxophone, flute, recorder, written by
PortraitKarel Vejvoda b, cb, *1929
PortraitJosef Vejvoda dr, *1945 CZ
PortraitLuděk Švábenský p, ep, 1944-2002
Baby Jerry art direction
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The Uhu Sleeps Only During The DayKarel Velebný / SHQKarel Velebný7:30
2Joachim Is Our FriendKarel Velebný / SHQKarel Velebný11:25
3Beetles On The HeadKarel Velebný / SHQJiří Stivín5:00
4Waldi On The Castle StepsKarel Velebný / SHQKarel Velebný8:52
5Andulko SafaroraKarel Velebný / SHQFolk, Karel Velebný4:46
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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