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Album Cover
Karl May
Karl May Story

Album DE on SABA label

Remarks: In 1958/1959 two filmes based in a very week manor on the stories of Karl May - "Die Sklavenkarawane" (Caravana de esclavos - Spain) and "Der Löwe von Babylon" (En las ruinas de Babilonia - Spain) have been produced for the cinema in Germany and Spain with limited success. Most likely this LP was produced to use the publicity of the two film productions. The LP is a mixture of music (composed by Siegfried Ulbrich) and spoken words (Narrator Walter Richter (German actor)). The LP is in no direct relation to the two films. The recording was done in Stereo - the LP offers Mono.

PortraitKarl May , 1842-1912 DE
album by
PortraitErwin Lehn vib, 1919-2010 DE
PortraitWalter Richter , 1905-1985 AT
PortraitErwin Lehn Und Ein Großes Rundfunkorchester ,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Ballett-Suite In 7 SätzenKarl MaySiegfried Ulbrich
21. Satz: WinnetouKarl May
32. Satz: Der Schatz Im SilberseeKarl May
43. Satz: Durch Die WüsteKarl May
54. Satz: Am Rio De La PlataKarl May
65. Satz: Die SklavenkarawaneKarl May
76. Satz: Der Blaurote MethusalemKarl May
87. Satz: Winnetou's ErbenKarl May
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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