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Album Cover
Karma To Burn
Live In London And Chasing The Dragon

Compil. US 2009 on DRP Records label
Rock (Stoner Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal)

• CD1 is an unreleased recording of a sold-out live show from the Camden Underworld, London, December 5th 2001 - the last Karma To Burn tour of Europe before 2009. • CD2 is a collection of some of the band's best material, selected from their previous releases. • Limited to 200 copies.

PortraitKarma To Burn ,
producer, written by, all songs, album by
PortraitRich Mullins b,
PortraitRob Oswald dr, US
Franci D.
engineer, help
PortraitWilliam Mecum g, US
E.K. Deubell artwork, art slave
Jim Altieri layout, additional art
Chris Gehringer mastered by
Roger Lian mastered by
Frank Phobia mastered by, attempted to be mastered to life by
Tom Volpicelli mastered by, attempted to be mastered to life by
Michael Wilson photography
Nicholas McIntosh photography
Daniel Wise producer
Garry Rindfuss producer
Steven Haigler producer
Michael Barile producer, recorded by, mixed by
Karma To Burn
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Live In LondonKarma To Burn
2TwentyKarma To Burn4:18
3Thirty EightKarma To Burn5:45
4Thirty OneKarma To Burn8:51
5ThirtyKarma To Burn4:38
6Thirty FourKarma To Burn4:26
7Thirty SevenKarma To Burn5:30
8Thirty NineKarma To Burn5:24
9EightKarma To Burn4:56
10Thirty FiveKarma To Burn5:39
11Thirty TwoKarma To Burn5:17
12Twenty EightKarma To Burn5:03
13Chasing The DragonKarma To Burn
1420Karma To Burn3:32
1539Karma To Burn5:34
168Karma To Burn4:42
1732Karma To Burn5:00
1829Karma To Burn3:03
195Karma To Burn4:47
2028Karma To Burn4:21
211Karma To Burn4:04
2230Karma To Burn3:25
233Karma To Burn3:47
2419Karma To Burn4:01
2526Karma To Burn4:12
2636Karma To Burn4:26
2734Karma To Burn4:12
2825Karma To Burn4:38
297Karma To Burn4:40
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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