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Album Cover
Kathy Troccoli
Love One Another

Single US 1997 on Reunion Records label

(P) & (C) 1997 Reunion Records, Inc. No time durations are printed for tracks 2 and 3. Kathy Troccoli, together with a cast of nearly 40 of Christian music's best, recorded "Love One Another" to raise awareness for His Touch Ministries. All proceeds of the sale of this CD single will benefit His Touch Ministries, which offers physical, emotional and spiritual support to people with HIV/AIDS.

PortraitKathy Troccoli bvoc, *1958 US
album by
PortraitKevin Smith ,
backing vocals, also appearing, of d. c. talk
PortraitPhil Joel b, voc, *1973 NZ
backing vocals, also appearing, of the newsboys
PortraitTai Anderson b, *1976
backing vocals, also appearing, of third day
Portrait4Him , 1990-2006 US
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PortraitAaron Jeoffrey , 1993-2000
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PortraitAmy Grant bvoc, *1960 US
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PortraitAudio Adrenaline , 1991-2007 US
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PortraitBabbie Mason bvoc, voc, *1955 US
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PortraitBeverly Crawford voc, *1963 US
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PortraitBeyond The Blue ,
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PortraitBilly Gaines voc, bvoc, US
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PortraitCarman voc, g, *1956 US
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PortraitCarolyn Arends voc, *1968 CA
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PortraitChristafari , *1990 US
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PortraitClay Crosse voc, *1967 US
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PortraitFirst Call ,
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PortraitGary Chapman acg, p, *1957 US
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PortraitGreg Long bvoc, voc, *1966 US
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PortraitJaci Velasquez bvoc, *1979 US
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PortraitJackson Finch ,
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PortraitJanet Paschal voc, bvoc, *1956 US
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PortraitJonathan Pierce voc, bvoc, *1970 US
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PortraitLisa Bevill bvoc, *1961 US
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PortraitMark Lowry voc, *1958 US
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PortraitMichael W. Smith key, p, *1957 US
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PortraitOut Of The Grey ,
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PortraitPaul Vann ,
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PortraitPeter Penrose bvoc,
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PortraitPhillips, Craig & Dean , *1991 US
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PortraitReality Check ,
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PortraitSandi Patty bvoc, voc, *1956 US
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PortraitSarah Gaines voc, bvoc,
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Sarah Hart
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PortraitSarah Jahn ,
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PortraitSarah Masen bvoc, *1975 US
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PortraitScott Krippayne bvoc, *1971 US
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PortraitSierra , US
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PortraitTim Taber voc,
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PortraitTony Vincent key, bvoc, US
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PortraitVestal Goodman voc, 1929-2003 US
backing vocals, also appearing
PortraitVail Johnson g, b, US
PortraitJohn Robinson dr, perc, *1954
PortraitMichael Thompson g, *1954 US
PortraitRobbie Buchanan syn, voc, p, *1957 CA
PortraitLenny Castro perc, *1950 US
Amy Keys backing vocals
Ellis Hall backing vocals
Ferris Keys backing vocals
Jackie Gouche backing vocals
Peter Bunetta producer
Rick Chudacoff producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Love One AnotherKathy Troccoli5:47
2Love One Another Performance TrackKathy Troccoli
3A Personal Message From Kathy TroccoliKathy Troccoli
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