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Album Cover
Kay One
Kenneth Allein Zu Haus

Album 2010 on ersguterjunge label
Electronic and Hip-Hop/Rap (Pop Rap, Gangsta, Electro House)

(P)+(C) 2010 ersguterjunge. Distributed by Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH. Made in the EU. Aufgenommen im Beatzarre Studio, Berlin Gemischt im Beatzarre Studio, Berlin Gemastert in den Eastside Mastering Studios, Berlin Frauenarzt erscheint mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Atzen Musik The tracks 14, 17 and 18 are only contained on this version. Housed in transparent Super Jewel Box. Pressing plant uncredited, but identified by matrix pattern and SID codes.

PortraitKay One , *1984 DE
lyrics by, album by, music by
PortraitDjorkaeff , *1985 DE
producer, music by, recorded by
PortraitBeatzarre , *1983 DE
producer, music by, recorded by, mixed by
PortraitBushido sampler, voc, *1978 DE
lyrics by, featuring, lyrics by, music by, producer, lyrics by, voice, additional, uncredited
PortraitSonny Black ,
PortraitPhilippe Heithier voc, DE
featuring, lyrics by, featuring, lyrics by, music by, producer
PortraitBojan Assenov p, DE
PortraitFrauenarzt voc, *1978 DE
featuring, lyrics by
PortraitBenny Blanco , DE
featuring, lyrics by
PortraitNyze , *1981 DE
featuring, lyrics by
PortraitLeander Bauer ,
music by, producer
PortraitMarius Mahn g, b, DE
guitar, bass
PortraitArndt Christoph ,
Ben Baumgarten artwork
Bushido executive-producer
Dirk Niemeier mastered by
Murat Aslan photography by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1IntroKay OneBushido3:38
2Kenneth Allein Zu HausKay One3:14
3Sexy TeensKay One3:20
4IrgendwannKay One3:36
5Style & Das GeldKay OneBushido3:40
6Verzeih MirKay OnePhilippe Heithier1:39
7So AlleinKay One3:47
8Bis Die Polizei KommtKay OneFrauenarzt4:30
9Tierheim SkitKay One4:24
10Ich Brech DIe HerzenKay One3:03
11RockstarKay OneBenny Blanco, Nyze4:30
12Bitte Vergiss Mich NichtKay OnePhilippe Heithier4:24
13Du Fehlst MirKay OneBushido3:03
14Ein Guter TagKay One5:42
15BushidoKay One3:35
16In Liebe, Dein BruderKay One3:25
17Nie VorbeiKay OnePhilippe Heithier3:40
18OutroKay OneBushido2:38

30sec audio samples provided by

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