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Album Cover
Kenny Bee

Album HK 2007 on Polydor Hong Kong label
Electronic, Jazz, Rock and Pop (Synth-pop, Pop Rock)

Album originally released in 1987.

PortraitKenny Bee voc,
album by, music by
PortraitShigeki Watanabe ,
arranged by
Portrait盧永強 ,
lyrics by
Portrait周啟生 , *1961 HK
arranged by, music by, lyrics by, backing vocals
PortraitJames Wong key, 1940-2004 CN
music by, lyrics by
PortraitJun Irie ,
arranged by
Portrait林敏驄 , *1959 HK
lyrics by, music by
Portrait盧東尼 key, HK
arranged by
PortraitRichard Lam ,
lyrics by
Portrait潘源良 , *1959 HK
lyrics by
Portrait林敏怡 , *1950 HK
music by, arranged by
Portrait小美 , *1960 HK
lyrics by
PortraitKen Yajima eg, g, 1950-2015 JP
arranged by
Portrait彭健新 g,
Carmen Wong backing vocals
Rowena Cortes backing vocals
林敏驄 backing vocals
蔣志光 backing vocals
Patrick Yeung backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1煙花Kenny Bee盧永強5:43
2今天我非常寂寞(1987)Kenny BeeJames Wong4:25
3非洲黑森林寫真集一日遊 [淚之旅II]Kenny Bee林敏驄4:20
4仍是那樣Kenny BeeRichard Lam4:08
5Goodbye! I Love YouKenny Bee潘源良2:15
6為你醉心 [電影「投錯鴛鴦胎」主題曲]Kenny Bee林敏驄4:03
7情深未忘Kenny Bee小美5:13
8阿寶阿寶 (鍾鎮濤/彭健新合唱) [教育電視「盤中寶」主題曲]Kenny Bee盧永強4:28
9絲線 [默然Ii]Kenny Bee林敏驄3:18
10明天Kenny Bee盧永強, 周啟生3:52
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Kenny Bee - 寂寞 HK 1987 Pop
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