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Album Cover
Kim Cascone
Dust Theories

Album US 2001 on c74 label
Electronic (Abstract, Experimental)

Kim Cascone's c74 release brings together a number of current strands of his ongoing work as a microsound composer and performer. It presents two expansive slices of emergent pond life generated from the sonic materials familiar to fans of Kim's earlier "residualist" recordings and a peek at the densely packed audioscapes of the "New Density" with Edgeboundaries 123. Dust Theories further continues the recombinant themes by including two radically different reworkings of Edgeboundaries 123 by Ben Nevile and DJ4'33". This is the first c74 release to include Max/MSP patches and a standalone application on the CD that lets users experiment with the tools Ben Nevile and DJ4'33" used to generate remix material

PortraitKim Cascone sampler, g, *1955 US
album by
Ben Nevile remix
DJ4'33'' remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Dust Theories 1Kim Cascone20:45
2Dust Theories 2Kim Cascone19:19
3Edgeboundaries 123Kim Cascone6:26
4Edgeboundaries 123 (Ben.Sampl~ Mix)Kim Cascone4:38
5ResidueBondage (DJ4'33" Anagram Mix)Kim Cascone10:00
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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