Album US 1996 on Knitting Factory Works label
Jazz and Rock (Jazz-Rock, Art Rock, Contemporary Jazz)
Everything recorded in January 1995 on 8-track except track 3 recorded on 8-track in 1994; tracks 5, 8 (the last part), 9, 14 & 16 recorded on 4-track; track 19 recorded on cassette. All overdubs at Music Plant except track 21 at Galaxy. Everything mixed at Rondor Studio, London except tracks 14 & 18 mixed at Music Plant; track 16 mixed at Ghosttown; track 21 mixed at Galaxy. Track 1: A 4-track recording by Aarich Jespers. Track 2: This song has its origins in the heaven hotel basement circa 1991. Track 3: Written with a 4-track in 1993. Track 4: Used to be an impro in D and still more or less is. Track 5: On 4-track 1991. Track 6: An Aarich Jespers 4-track affair, heavily overdubbed at Music Plant by KMJ. Track 7: Used to be an instrumental, now isn't. Track 8: An improvisation which ends with another Aarich 4-track thing. Track 9: Yet another 4-track adventure, also featuring a short poem by Craig. Track 10: Starts out as a cheap Chet Baker tribute, ends up a film noir mortuary song. Track 11: One of the oldest of all Kiss My Jazz songs, dating back to the basement years. Track 12: One of the newest of all Kiss My Jazz songs, not dating back to anywhere. Track 13: An impro! Overdubbed expansively by Heyme. Track 14: Recorded onto 4-track in Aarich's living room. Overdubbed at Music Plant. Track 15: Yet another Aarich 4-track escapade. Track 16: Recorded onto 4-track in Rudy Trouvé's bedroom. Track 17: Written during recording. Track 18: Originally written in 1993. Played live extensively until it became this. Track 19: Dave Robertson talking about clothing in a living room. Track 20: Almost as ancient as "Penetrator". Track 21: A fish to water. Transport is progress. Title spelled in the booklet as "Bus Stop". ℗ & © 1996 Heavenhotel presents Made in Holland Printed in Holland. Stef Kamil Carlens appeared by courtesy from Island. Mauro Pawlowski appeared by courtesy from A&M. Track numbering in the booklet was wrong. There were two track numbers 5 and no track 18.
![]() | Kiss My Jazz , 1992-2000 BE producer, words by, music by, album by, tracking by, overdubbed by |
![]() | Craig Ward g, voc, GB sleeve notes, translated by, guitar, guitarriff near the ending, slide guitar, guitar, distortion, vocals, guitar, vocals, acoustic guitar, ukulele, toy, plastic toys |
![]() | Aarich Jespers dr, perc, *1972 BE percussion, clarinet, drums, drums, percussion, clarinet, organ, drums, electronic drums, electronic percussion, drums, percussion, piano, performer, wineglasses, drums, vocals, drums, piano, vocals, xylophone, drums, marimba |
![]() | Jacki Billet b, BE bass |
![]() | Elko Blijweert g, *1976 BE guitar, music by, chords by, guitar, vocals |
![]() | Rudy Trouvé voc, *1967 BE guitar, vocals, written by, guitar, slide guitar, vocals, words by, music by, most of the chords, vocals, guitar, vocals, acoustic guitar, guitar, melodica, vocals, guitar, vocals, harmonica, mouthharp |
![]() | Stef Kamil Carlens voc, *1970 BE percussion, vocals, written by, drums, bass, guitar, music by, bassline by, ukulele, marimba, vocals, percussion, vocals, melodica |
![]() | Heyme Langbroek tr, voc, BE trumpet, vocals, saxophone, vocals, tracking by, overdubbed by, saxophone, melodica, saxophone, guitar |
![]() | Mark Meyers voc, BE vocals, high painful vocal note, electric organ, cheap synthi organ, words by, meyersisms, slide guitar, vocals |
![]() | Mauro Pawlowski g, voc, *1971 BE guitar, guitar, wah-wah |
![]() | Dave Robertson voc, voice |
Bassy layout |
Frank Duchêne mixed by |
Gowie Meeusen mixed by |
Marc Meulemans mixed by |
Nick Pyall mixed by |
Rudy Trouvé painting, front picture from a painting by, recorded by, sleeve notes |
Denis Malbille photography by |
Jacki Billet photography by, front picture |
Bernardo Fernandez producer, recorded by |
Aarich Jespers recorded by |
Dirk Bulkens recorded by |
No | Title | Artist | Composer | Duration |
1 | Slumming It With The King Of Wilrijk | Kiss My Jazz | 0:27 | |
2 | The Stud v/s Drunk Kid | Kiss My Jazz | 4:55 | |
3 | Burn In Hell | Kiss My Jazz | Rudy Trouvé, Stef Kamil Carlens | 1:46 |
4 | Tropic Of Cancer | Kiss My Jazz | 3:17 | |
5 | A Greater Loss Than Pain | Kiss My Jazz | 3:46 | |
6 | Roving Eye | Kiss My Jazz | 1:09 | |
7 | Livina's Love Theme | Kiss My Jazz | 1:39 | |
8 | Nails | Kiss My Jazz | 2:07 | |
9 | Fingers | Kiss My Jazz | 0:47 | |
10 | Bodybag | Kiss My Jazz | 4:06 | |
11 | Penetrator | Kiss My Jazz | 2:18 | |
12 | Bite | Kiss My Jazz | 3:37 | |
13 | Squeeze | Kiss My Jazz | 3:01 | |
14 | Lovers And Place | Kiss My Jazz | 3:30 | |
15 | Beautiful Losers | Kiss My Jazz | 1:00 | |
16 | Life After Drinks | Kiss My Jazz | 1:31 | |
17 | Last House At The Edge Of The Park | Kiss My Jazz | 2:00 | |
18 | Expansive Basehead | Kiss My Jazz | 4:18 | |
19 | Dave's Hat Talk | Kiss My Jazz | 0:43 | |
20 | Mute Fish | Kiss My Jazz | 4:05 | |
21 | Busstop | Kiss My Jazz | 2:27 |