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Album Cover
Kiss My Jazz
In Doc's Place Friday Evening

Album US 1996 on Knitting Factory Works label
Jazz and Rock (Jazz-Rock, Art Rock, Contemporary Jazz)

Everything recorded in January 1995 on 8-track except track 3 recorded on 8-track in 1994; tracks 5, 8 (the last part), 9, 14 & 16 recorded on 4-track; track 19 recorded on cassette. All overdubs at Music Plant except track 21 at Galaxy. Everything mixed at Rondor Studio, London except tracks 14 & 18 mixed at Music Plant; track 16 mixed at Ghosttown; track 21 mixed at Galaxy. Track 1: A 4-track recording by Aarich Jespers. Track 2: This song has its origins in the heaven hotel basement circa 1991. Track 3: Written with a 4-track in 1993. Track 4: Used to be an impro in D and still more or less is. Track 5: On 4-track 1991. Track 6: An Aarich Jespers 4-track affair, heavily overdubbed at Music Plant by KMJ. Track 7: Used to be an instrumental, now isn't. Track 8: An improvisation which ends with another Aarich 4-track thing. Track 9: Yet another 4-track adventure, also featuring a short poem by Craig. Track 10: Starts out as a cheap Chet Baker tribute, ends up a film noir mortuary song. Track 11: One of the oldest of all Kiss My Jazz songs, dating back to the basement years. Track 12: One of the newest of all Kiss My Jazz songs, not dating back to anywhere. Track 13: An impro! Overdubbed expansively by Heyme. Track 14: Recorded onto 4-track in Aarich's living room. Overdubbed at Music Plant. Track 15: Yet another Aarich 4-track escapade. Track 16: Recorded onto 4-track in Rudy Trouvé's bedroom. Track 17: Written during recording. Track 18: Originally written in 1993. Played live extensively until it became this. Track 19: Dave Robertson talking about clothing in a living room. Track 20: Almost as ancient as "Penetrator". Track 21: A fish to water. Transport is progress. Title spelled in the booklet as "Bus Stop". ℗ & © 1996 Heavenhotel presents Made in Holland Printed in Holland. Stef Kamil Carlens appeared by courtesy from Island. Mauro Pawlowski appeared by courtesy from A&M. Track numbering in the booklet was wrong. There were two track numbers 5 and no track 18.

PortraitKiss My Jazz , 1992-2000 BE
producer, words by, music by, album by, tracking by, overdubbed by
PortraitCraig Ward g, voc, GB
sleeve notes, translated by, guitar, guitarriff near the ending, slide guitar, guitar, distortion, vocals, guitar, vocals, acoustic guitar, ukulele, toy, plastic toys
PortraitAarich Jespers dr, perc, *1972 BE
percussion, clarinet, drums, drums, percussion, clarinet, organ, drums, electronic drums, electronic percussion, drums, percussion, piano, performer, wineglasses, drums, vocals, drums, piano, vocals, xylophone, drums, marimba
PortraitJacki Billet b, BE
PortraitElko Blijweert g, *1976 BE
guitar, music by, chords by, guitar, vocals
PortraitRudy Trouvé voc, *1967 BE
guitar, vocals, written by, guitar, slide guitar, vocals, words by, music by, most of the chords, vocals, guitar, vocals, acoustic guitar, guitar, melodica, vocals, guitar, vocals, harmonica, mouthharp
PortraitStef Kamil Carlens voc, *1970 BE
percussion, vocals, written by, drums, bass, guitar, music by, bassline by, ukulele, marimba, vocals, percussion, vocals, melodica
PortraitHeyme Langbroek tr, voc, BE
trumpet, vocals, saxophone, vocals, tracking by, overdubbed by, saxophone, melodica, saxophone, guitar
PortraitMark Meyers voc, BE
vocals, high painful vocal note, electric organ, cheap synthi organ, words by, meyersisms, slide guitar, vocals
PortraitMauro Pawlowski g, voc, *1971 BE
guitar, guitar, wah-wah
PortraitDave Robertson voc,
Bassy layout
Frank Duchêne mixed by
Gowie Meeusen mixed by
Marc Meulemans mixed by
Nick Pyall mixed by
Rudy Trouvé painting, front picture from a painting by, recorded by, sleeve notes
Denis Malbille photography by
Jacki Billet photography by, front picture
Bernardo Fernandez producer, recorded by
Aarich Jespers recorded by
Dirk Bulkens recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Slumming It With The King Of WilrijkKiss My Jazz0:27
2The Stud v/s Drunk KidKiss My Jazz4:55
3Burn In HellKiss My JazzRudy Trouvé, Stef Kamil Carlens1:46
4Tropic Of CancerKiss My Jazz3:17
5A Greater Loss Than PainKiss My Jazz3:46
6Roving EyeKiss My Jazz1:09
7Livina's Love ThemeKiss My Jazz1:39
8NailsKiss My Jazz2:07
9FingersKiss My Jazz0:47
10BodybagKiss My Jazz4:06
11PenetratorKiss My Jazz2:18
12BiteKiss My Jazz3:37
13SqueezeKiss My Jazz3:01
14Lovers And PlaceKiss My Jazz3:30
15Beautiful LosersKiss My Jazz1:00
16Life After DrinksKiss My Jazz1:31
17Last House At The Edge Of The ParkKiss My Jazz2:00
18Expansive BaseheadKiss My Jazz4:18
19Dave's Hat TalkKiss My Jazz0:43
20Mute FishKiss My Jazz4:05
21BusstopKiss My Jazz2:27
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