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Album Cover
Kurtis Blow
Kingdom Blow

Album US 1986 on Mercury label

PortraitKurtis Blow voc, tim, *1959 US
producer, written by, arranged by, mixed by, cover, cover concept, album by
PortraitBill Black ,
PortraitBob Dylan voc, g, h, *1941 US
vocals, featuring
PortraitDanny Harris g, US
dx7 bass, guitar
PortraitGeorge Clinton voc, *1941 US
vocals, featuring
PortraitAlonzo Robinson ,
PortraitTimothy "T-Bone" David perc, US
PortraitWilfred Ramos ,
PortraitJimmy Valdes ,
PortraitJohn Stivers g, p,
PortraitTravis , *1990 GB
Bill Levy art direction
Robert Reed co-producer
Rod Hui co-producer, mixed by
Wayne Garfield coordinator, album coordinator
Lyor Cohen cover, cover concept
Patti Manzone design, graphic design
Lloyd Nelson photography by, photography/photographic design
Eddison Electrik producer
Salaam Remi producer
Kurtis Blow
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Street RockKurtis Blow8:53
2The BronxKurtis Blow3:50
3Unity Party JamKurtis Blow4:21
4SunshineKurtis Blow4:11
5Magilla GorillaKurtis Blow5:42
6I'm Chillin'Kurtis Blow5:27
7Kingdom BlowKurtis Blow4:05
8Reasons For Wanting YouKurtis Blow5:44
External Links
Discogs Logo Discogs  iTunes Logo iTunes

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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