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Album Cover
Ladysmith Black Mambazo
The Chillout Sessions

Compil. ZA 2002 on Gallo Record Company label
Folk (Folk)

Isimanga Salomhlaba originally from the album Gospel Songs. Music performed, recorded, and mixed at Fat Fish, Brighton. Bassline based on original by "Kuela". Isimanga Sikathekwane originally from the album Gospel Songs. Music performed, recorded, and mixed at Fat Fish, Brighton. Kawujabuli Ngani originally from the album Thuthakani Ngoxolo. Inkanyezi Nezozi originally from the album The Star And The Wiseman. Recorded at Intimate Studios, London We Nhliziyo Yami originally from the album Gospel Songs. Recorded and mixed at Fat Fish, Brighton. Dlondlobala Njalo oriingally from the album The Ultimate collection. Music performed, recorded and mixed at Fat Fish, Brighton. Ayihale Phansi originally from the album Thuthakani Ngoxolo. Woza Ngihambe Nowe originally from the album 'lqiniso. Published by: Gallo Music Publishing Tracks 1 to 5, 7 to 10 Gallo Music International Track 6 Wrasse Songs Track 6 ℗ 2002 Gallo Music Publishers ℗ 2002 South Africa © 2002 Gallo Record Company

PortraitLadysmith Black Mambazo voc, *1960 ZA
album by
Abednego Mazibuko
PortraitAlbert Mazibuko voc,
Jabulani Dubazana
PortraitJockey Shabalala voc,
PortraitJoseph Shabalala voc, *1941 ZA
performer, written by
Msizi Shabalala
PortraitRussel Mthembu voc,
PortraitSibongisenni Shabalala ,
Thamsanqa Shabalala
Thulani Shabalala
PortraitMarc Woolford key, GB
arranged by, producer, mixed by, bass, guitar, drums, percussion, performer, recorded by, acoustic guitar, steel guitar, bass, percussion, drums, contrabass, keyboards, guitar, drums, percussion, effects, sound effects, kora, acoustic bass, strings, keyboards, percussion, drums
PortraitSteve Pedder ,
percussion, additional
PortraitKeith Ellis tr,
PortraitDumi Dhlamini ,
mixed by, final, remix, programmed by, engineer
PortraitAdrian Hamilton key,
programmed by, engineer
PortraitConcord Nkabinde b,
synthesizer, organ, remix, programmed by
PortraitNeil Sparkes voc,
congas, natal congos
PortraitMatt Baker ,
acoustic guitar, additional
PortraitMajory Ahsenden vc,
Steve Pedder engineer, assistant
Marc Woolford recorded by, mixed by, producer, remix
Nicky Blumenfeld remix
Paul Madden engineer
Temple Of Sound producer, remix
Dumi Dhlamini engineer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Isimanga Salomhlaba - Soul Drummers MixLadysmith Black Mambazo7:58
2Isimanga Sikathekwane - Soul Drummers MixLadysmith Black Mambazo3:57
3Kawujabuli Ngani? - Mama Groove MixLadysmith Black Mambazo5:17
4Inkanyezi Nezozi - Lion King's Cross MixLadysmith Black Mambazo7:10
5We Nhliziyo Yami - Soul Drummers MixLadysmith Black Mambazo3:44
6Dlondlobala Njalo - Soul Drummers MixLadysmith Black Mambazo4:42
7Ayihale Phansi - Dumi Dhlamini MixLadysmith Black Mambazo4:07
8Woza Ngihambe Nowe - Nu-Life MixLadysmith Black Mambazo4:33
9Inkanyezi Nezazi - Spiral Staircase MixLadysmith Black Mambazo4:07
10 Fall Rain, Fall Rain - Mamma Groove MixLadysmith Black Mambazo4:31

30sec audio samples provided by

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