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Album Cover

Album FR 1978 on Hexagone label
Jazz, Rock, Folk, World and (Folk, Fusion, Prog Rock)

Fold-out sleeve with words by Jacques Subileau and musicians' resumes in French.

PortraitLagrima ,
album by
PortraitGuillermo Reuter p, AR
arranged by, bass guitar, guitar, spanish guitar, written by, electric piano
Portrait"Chango" Farías Gómez perc, dr, voc,
arranged by, vocals, percussion, written by, bass guitar
Franziska Fischer
artwork, graphisme
PortraitJuán José Mosalini ban, *1943 AR
bandoneon, written by
PortraitTomás Gubitsch g, acg, eg, *1957
electric guitar, acoustic guitar
PortraitBruno Menny , *1947 FR
recorded by, engineer, preneur de son, ami, inventeur
PortraitEnzo Gieco fl,
flute, alto saxophone
PortraitGustavo Beytelmann p, *1945 AR
piano, electric piano, synthesizer, directed by, arranged by, written by
Jacques Subileau
photography by, producer, animateur et réalisateur
PortraitSergio Arriagada fl, CL
quena, moceño, charango, other, erke, sampona, siku
Napo artwork, illustration
Laurent Lesserre layout
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1NacimientoLagrima"Chango" Farías Gómez
2BusquedaLagrima"Chango" Farías Gómez
3AncestrosLagrima"Chango" Farías Gómez, Gustavo Beytelmann
4EncuentroLagrima"Chango" Farías Gómez, Guillermo Reuter
5Canción Para Un HijoLagrimaJuán José Mosalini
6InfluenciaLagrima"Chango" Farías Gómez, Gustavo Beytelmann
7PropuestaLagrima"Chango" Farías Gómez
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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