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Lars Vegas Trio

Band, *1989 SE
Spoken Word, Pop and World
A.k.a. Lars Vegas, Elvis Koskinen, Jan Fransisco, Martin Bianco, N'Anders

The group was formed in 1989 with the intention of being the world's biggest trio. They set their aim to be "hard, fast and all the time" and went out to tour the streets. They soon realised that playing outdoors is very limited to a short period of time per year, so they took their thing indoors and it went from there. During the years 1990 to 1994 they had around 500 live gigs, which ranged from a modest 7 people in the beginning to 25,000 towards the end. They had a reputation during this time to be among Sweden's best live bands. In 1994 the band took a small break... that lasted for 8 years.

Popular Tracks   
Kalle och hans vänner on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
Bjällerklang on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
Ritsch ratsch on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
När får vi klapparna? on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
Hetsig dans kring granen on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
Tre pepparkaksgubbar on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
Bara en gång om året on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
Jullov on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio
Jag vill vara din, Margareta - Singelversion on Jag vill vara din, Margareta by Lars Vegas Trio
Sjömansjul På Hawaii on Lars Christmas by Lars Vegas Trio

Track list and 30sec audio provided by


Title Artist Year Type
Viva Lars VegasLars Vegas Trio2003Album
Låt Det Vara KulLars Vegas Trio2003Single
Varje Dag Är JulLars Vegas Trio1993Single
Hetsig Dans (Kring Granen)Lars Vegas Trio1993Single
Kikki ResqueLars Vegas Trio1993Album
Kalle & Hans VännerLars Vegas Trio1992Single
Jag Vill Vara Din MargaretaLars Vegas Trio1992Single
Lars ChristmasLars Vegas Trio1992Album
På Korståg För Schlagerns BevarandeLars Vegas Trio1992Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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