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Album Cover
Lasse Marhaug
Seven Inch Lp

Single NO 1996 on Major Ego Produkt label
Alternative (Noise)

Released in 19 numbered copies. Homemade cover (brown paper glued together with tape), with printed note glued on to the front. From sleeve: "This record is a seven inch l.p, it is limited to 19 copies. The actual seven inch single glued on the middle of the record is my side of a split record with a brazilian grindcore band called Necrose. In March 1995 I agreed to do a split record with Necrose, to be released on Rotthenness Records (also located in Brazil) and I did a track called "Rock-n-Roll Dreams Come True" under the project name Herb Mullin. I didn´t hear from either Rotthenness or Necrose for a looooong time, untill I received 25 copies in August 1996 and a note telling me it was finally out in an edition of 500 copies. The Herb Mullin project was deleted in December 1995, so this will be the absolute last release under that name. So what you hold in your hands is 19 of the copies I received glued on to Lps painted green and numbered. This might seem like a silly idea, but then again, so is record collecting. Some words about the music; it was recorded June 1991 and July 1994 and then mixed for the split ep March 1995. All vocals, tapes, electronics, cut-ups and recordings of water by myself, and extra programming and sampling by Mads Staff Jensen. It was recorded on a 4 track kindly lent to me by Lars Skoglund and mixed on to DAT. At the time of mastering I was a bit frustrated with the whole thing, and just turned everything to max, and sent the DAT without listening to it, thus burying any possible hits of textures and structures, and making it well... fairly distorted (but pretty heavy don´t you think?). Lovingly dedicated to all record collector scum out there. Special thanks to Tore H. Bøe for releasing this record on his label. Lasse Marhaug, September 1996."

PortraitLasse Marhaug ttbl, voc, *1974 NO
liner notes, vocals, electronics, sounds, tape, tapes, album by
PortraitMads Staff Jensen ,
sounds, extra sampling, programmed by, extra programming
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Rock-n-Roll Dreams Come TrueLasse Marhaug
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