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Album Cover
Leadbelly & Josh White
Black Folk Singers: The Remaining Titles (1937-1946)

Compil. AT 1999 on Document Records label
Blues, Folk, World and (Country Blues)

Remastered at Soundborn Studios, Vienna. Original recordings from the collections of Larry Cohn, Bernard Klatzko, Dave Moore, Dr. Konrad Nowakowski, Johnny Parth, Dr. Guido van Rijn, Klaus Schulz, Chris Smith, Hubert Stowitschek, and Paul Swinton. Original Matrix Information: 1: Washington, D.C., June 22, 1937 (994-B-2, Library of Congress unissued) 2: New York City, June 19, 1940 (none, WNYC radio broadcast) 3: New York City, June 19, 1940 (none, WNYC radio broadcast) 4: New York City, August 4, 1940 (none, Collector's Club LP 23) 5: New York City, August 4, 1940 (none, Collector's Club LP 23) 6: New York City, February 27, 1941 (none, Folkways acetate 376) 7: New York City, January 17, 1942 (none, Folkways acetate 317) 8: City College, New York City, January 20, 1942 (6407-A-1,-2, Library of Congress unissued) 9: Unknown, April 29, 1942 (none, Folkways acetate 271) 10: Unknown, unknown (none, Asch unissued) 11: Hollywood, California, November 6, 1944 (none, Armed Forces Radio Service Jubilee 107) 12: Hollywood, California, November 6, 1944 (none, Collector's Club LP 23) 13: New York City, c. June 1946 (none, Verve Folkways 9010) 14: New York City, March 11, 1944 (621, Asch 346-1-B) 15: New York City, April 1944 (141 or 148-alt. take 1, Stinson LP 15) 16: New York City, April 1944 (141 or 148-alt. take 2, Folkways acetate 892) 17: New York City, April 1944 (174-alt. take, Folkways acetate 3940) 18: New York City, April 19, 1944 (MA-60-alt. take, Folkways acetate 611) 19: New York City, April 19, 1944 (63, Asch 432-3A) 20: New York City, June 19, 1944 (158-alt. take 1, Folkways acetate 3936) 21: New York City, September 6, 1944 (MA-170-alt. take, Disc 117) 22: New York CIty, c. 1945 (B-6, Folkways acetate 402) 23: Hollywood, California, March 19, 1945 (6936, Armed Forces Radio Service Jubilee 219) 24: Hollywood, California, March 19, 1945 (6937, Armed Forces Radio Service Jubilee 219) 25: New York City, possibly October 25, 1945 (none, Folkways acetate 606) 26: New York City, possibly October 25, 1945 (none, Folkways acetate 617) 27: New York City, possibly October 25, 1945 (none, Folkways acetate 855) 28: New York City, possibly October 25, 1945 (MA-175-alt. take, Folkways acetate 274) 29: New York City, possibly October 25, 1945 (none, Folkways acetate 3704) 30: New York City, May 16, 1946 (none, Folkways acetate 3653) The remaining part of the WNYC radio broadcast is on Biograph BCD 113. The broadcast date of August 4, 1949 give for tracks 4 and 5 in postwar discographies is a misprint; the correct broadcast date is given above. ℗ © 1999 by Document Records, Vienna. Made in Austria.

PortraitLeadbelly voc, g, 1888-1949 US
guitar, vocals, guitar, vocals, speech, vocals, album by
PortraitJosh White voc, g, 1914-1969 US
vocals, guitar, album by
PortraitJohn Simmons b, 1918-1979 US
bass, string bass
PortraitPops Foster b, US
bass, string bass
PortraitJohnny Parth , *1930 AT
compiled by, producer
Unknown Artist
PortraitBrownie McGhee g, voc, 1915-1996 US
vocals, possibly, guitar, possibly, vocals, guitar
PortraitBurl Ives voc, g, 1909-1995 US
vocals, possibly, guitar, possibly
PortraitTom Glazer voc, 1914-2003 US
vocals, possibly, guitar, possibly
PortraitSonny Terry h, voc, 1911-1986 US
PortraitWillie "The Lion" Smith p, 1893-1973 US
PortraitWoody Guthrie voc, g, 1912-1967 US
PortraitAlan Lomax voc, g, 1915-2002 US
vocals, possibly
PortraitPete Seeger voc, bj, 1919-2014 US
vocals, banjo
Paul Mason Howard
zither, added zither
PortraitSonny Terry & Brownie McGhee ,
Dave Moore liner notes
Gerhard Wessely remastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Leadbelly (1937-1946)Leadbelly & Josh White
2Untitled (994-B-2-LC)Leadbelly2:28
3Introduction (WNYC Broadcast)Leadbelly1:02
4Ain't Going Down (WNYC Broadcast)Leadbelly0:28
5Don't You Love Your Daddy No More (NBC Chamber Music B'cast)Leadbelly2:45
6You Can't Lose Me Charlie (NBC Chamber Music Broadcast)Leadbelly1:34
7When You Get To Sleep, Please Don't Sleep Too Long (WNYC Broadcast)Leadbelly2:04
8Uncle Sam Says (Bottle Up And Go)Leadbelly2:13
9Dear Mr. President / President Roosevelt (6407-A-1 & 2-LC)Leadbelly3:55
10If You Want To Do Your Part (Radio Broadcast)Leadbelly2:39
11Hitler SongLeadbelly4:33
12Rock Island Line (AFRS Jubilee 107)Leadbelly1:36
13Jim Crow Blues (AFRS Jubilee 107)Leadbelly2:24
14Careless LoveLeadbelly2:08
15Josh White (1944-1946)Leadbelly & Josh White
16Hold On (The Union Boys)Josh White2:10
17Motherless Children (Alt. Take 1)Josh White2:07
18Motherless Children (Alt. Take 2)Josh White2:26
19Number 12 Train (Alt. Take)Josh White3:36
20When I Lay Down (Alt. Take)Josh White2:34
21Don't Lie BuddyJosh White2:19
22No More Blues (No More Bread Lines) (Alt. Take)Josh White2:43
23One Meat Ball (Alt. Take)Josh White3:08
24In My Time Of DyingJosh White3:13
25Evil Hearted Man (AFRS Jubilee 219)Josh White2:52
26One Meat Ball (AFRS Jubilee 219)Josh White3:11
27Take A Gal Like YouJosh White3:08
28Jelly JellyJosh White2:25
29Whatcha Gonna Do (Sometime)Josh White1:12
30Trouble (Alt. Take)Josh White2:38
31Beloved ComradeJosh White2:01
32Free And Equal BluesJosh White4:27
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