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Album Cover
Lee Bannon
The Big Toy Box 2

Album US 2014 on Babygrande label
Electronic and Hip-Hop/Rap (Instrumental, Experimental)

PortraitLee Bannon g, p, syn, *1987 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1This Is...Lee Bannon
2Welcome BackLee Bannon
3T.B.M.Lee Bannon
4F*ck YouLee Bannon
5AgainLee Bannon
6Sacramento TempoLee Bannon
7A Circus CutLee Bannon
80042Lee Bannon
9Try To BeLee Bannon
10CloudyLee Bannon
11A Circus Cut 2Lee Bannon
12Toy BandLee Bannon
13Yoga!Lee Bannon
14The TravoltaLee Bannon
15WeaknessLee Bannon
16Love TrifectaLee Bannon
17A Toy MakerLee Bannon
18Skip BeatLee Bannon
19Jungle MathLee Bannon
20Story BookLee Bannon
21The RejectLee Bannon
22Run Of FlyLee Bannon
23SituationsLee Bannon
24AlotLee Bannon
25TF2Lee Bannon
26Don't Care Watcha SayLee Bannon
27A Dolla MoreLee Bannon
28Best DanceLee Bannon
29Why Must ILee Bannon
30N.A.D.M.Lee Bannon
31A Circus CutLee Bannon
32So RealLee Bannon
33Try To Be 2Lee Bannon
345 StepsLee Bannon
35Toy87Lee Bannon
36A Circus Cut 4Lee Bannon
37Shoe SoulLee Bannon
38AnytimeLee Bannon
391 900 PromisesLee Bannon
40Come UpLee Bannon
41SacraficeLee Bannon
42ElimsLee Bannon
43It's CoolLee Bannon
44A Circus CutLee Bannon
45DevilishLee Bannon
46It Was GreatLee Bannon
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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