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Album Cover
Leif Juster
Mot Norrmalt - 16 Av Hans Beste

Compil. NO 1995 on NorDisc label
Jazz, R&B/Soul, Spoken Word and Soundtrack (Swingbeat, Monolog, Comedy, Political, Easy Listening)

(P) & (C) 1995 Polygram A/S. Distributed by Polygram A/S with permission from NRK Radio, Dag Frøiland and Arne Bendiksen. Track 1 taken from the movie "Den Forsvundne Pølsemaker", 1941. Track 2 taken from the Chat Noir show "Tenk På Noe Annet", 1940. Track 3 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Edderkoppen", 1945. Track 4 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Saker Og Ting", 1942. Track 5 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Lev Livet Videre", 1949. Track 6 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Sett I Gang", 1943. Track 7 taken from the Chat Noir show "Sånn Er Det Blitt", 1971. Track 8 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Sett I Gang", 1943. Track 9 taken from the movie "Dæ'kke Te'å Tru". Track 10 taken from the radioshow "Tittelytten". Track 11 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Nytt På By'n", 1957. Track 12 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Byen Med Det Store Hjertet", 1950. Track 13 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Lev Livet Videre", 1949. Track 14 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Det Går - Fredsrevyen", 1945. Track 15 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Det Går Over", 1946. Track 16 taken from the Edderkoppen show "Nytt På By'n", 1957.

PortraitLeif Juster voc, 1910-1995 NO
album by, written by, music by, featuring
PortraitRolf Just Nilsen voc, 1931-1981 NO
PortraitTotto Osvold ,
Kran artwork by, cover design
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Pølsemaker, PølsemakerLeif JusterKristian Hauger2:36
2SwingdillaLeif JusterArild Feldborg, Bias Bernhoft2:28
3Mot NorrmaltLeif JusterBias Bernhoft, Leif Juster, Sverre Bævre6:35
4PramhusbesidderenLeif JusterPer Kvist2:48
5Problembarnet TorLeif JusterFinn Bø4:40
6ByttingsrudLeif JusterSverre Bævre3:36
7Brød Og Sirkus (Gerhardsen)Leif JusterDag Frøland5:40
8En Glad GuttLeif JusterPer Kvist3:34
9Vær Glad For Det Lille Du HarLeif JusterArild Feldborg2:40
10Rolf Just Nilsen Parodierer Onkel LeifLeif Juster6:35
11NordpolreisenLeif JusterBias Bernhoft, Bjørn Sand9:10
12Den Tredje MannLeif JusterSverre Bævre2:32
13Tidens GuderLeif JusterLeif Juster8:50
14Leve De Forenede NasjonerLeif JusterPer Kvist3:43
15Herr SilkeLeif JusterSverre Bævre4:12
16Nå Er Det Vår IgjenLeif JusterSverre Bævre3:42
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