Lenny (William, Leonard, Len) McKinnon was the man behind several record labels from the Reading, PA area that existed during the 1960s, all sharing the same address at 411 Gordon St. He often receives Writing, Arrangement and Production credits on the various releases from these labels. His name appears on other Reading and Philadelphia-area releases as late as the early 1980s. McKinnon's name appears in Record World directories published in the 1960s and 1970s, listed as a Record Manufacturer, Tape Manufacturer and Duplicator, Distributor, (McKinnon Record Dist. Co.) Rack Jobber ( McKinnon Record's Dist.), One Stop (United, Dept 1-A) and Personal Manager (Hit Artist's Management, Performing Artist's Representation). These businesses also share the 411 Gordon St. address, and share a phone number with a (215) area code. A PO Box in area code 19601 is sometimes given. Similar listings and attributions are found in the July 8, 1967 issue of Cashbox. In the September 22, 1973 issue of Billboard Buyer's Guide, McKinnon is listed as the owner of the following labels: McKinnon, Center City, Hit Kingdom, Holy Cross, Margie, Movieland, Reading, Slide, Tammy, Alabam, Manna, Backstage, Bluegrassive, Cypress Garden, Emarage, Johnny Reb., Middletown, Ohiophone, Orange Grove, Otisville, Super Soul Shonograms, Surface, Topside, Tridelta, and Virginian. A publishing company, Slide Music Publ'g Co (ASCAP), is listed as well, along with a host of affiliates. McKinnon is listed in the July 7, 1979 issue of Billboard as the owner of McKinnon Pictures/Rec Co. The label manager is listed as Phyllis Gray. The most extensive mentions of McKinnon can be found online in the blog posts of an unknown man from New Jersey (possibly Mark Wayne Mohr), who writes in rambling style across several Wordpress/Blogger blogs including Morianity Foundation, Mountainpen, The Epitome of Harassment, RATS, TATS, & PLAYING REAL FOOTBALL, To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian, Morianity Bible For Millenium Three, etc. While the veracity and lucidity of these posts is questionable, the blogger may have been a contemporary of McKinnon and a recording artist/musician in the Berks County/Philadelphia/New Jersey area. These posts portray McKinnon in a negative light. Two blog links with search results for "McKinnon" are included in the Sites section.