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Artist Portrait

Leo Quinteros

Band, *1975
Singer / Musician / Songwriter of Rock and Pop

Chilean singer-songwriter and guitarist. Born in Arica (11 July 1975), Chile. Made his official debut in 2002 with the album "Fallando". He has been critically acclaimed for its technical finesse and lyrical depth.

PortraitCristian Sotomayor
dr, perc
key, p CL
PortraitColombina Parra
voc *1970 CL
PortraitConstance Ricard
vc *1985 DE
Italo Araúz
Ricardo Álvarez
PortraitRadek Rudnicki
bs PO
Popular Tracks   
La Enredadera on Los Accidentes Del Futuro by Leo Quinteros
Invisibilidad on Los Accidentes Del Futuro by Leo Quinteros
Fumadores on 1a by Leo Quinteros
Cheerleader on Los días santos by Leo Quinteros
Fiesta Pagada on Ahora by Leo Quinteros
Pensilvania on Los Accidentes Del Futuro by Leo Quinteros
La Marca Oficial on 1a by Leo Quinteros
Los Accidentes del Futuro on Los Accidentes Del Futuro by Leo Quinteros
Por Ahí Van on Los Accidentes Del Futuro by Leo Quinteros
Heart Attack on Los Accidentes Del Futuro by Leo Quinteros

Track list and 30sec audio provided by


Title Artist Year Type
AntarticaLeo Quinteros2013Album
Doble Plus BuenoLeo Quinteros2012Compil.
Los Accidentes Del FuturoLeo Quinteros2007Album
Primeros ÁlbumesLeo Quinteros2006Compil.
Leo Quinteros, Ahora!Leo Quinteros2005Album
1ALeo Quinteros2004Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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