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Album Cover
Lily Berglund Och Nils Weingard

Single SE 1958 on Karusell label
Pop (Vocal, Schlager)

No matrix# on runout side A. Missprint = B1 & B2 are mixed on the label. Made in Sweden. All four tracks were recorded at Europafilm, Stockholm, Sweden. Side A: march 1958. Side B: aug. 1957. (SMDB). Cover printed by SIB-Tryck, Enskede, Sweden 1958. All vocals are duets.

PortraitLily Berglund voc, 1928-2010 SE
vocals, album by
PortraitNils Weingard voc, 1914-1990 SE
vocals, album by
PortraitGöte Wilhelmsons Orkester ,
PortraitÅke Gerhard sax, b, SE
lyrics by, swedish
PortraitEvald Helmer ,
lyrics by, swedish
PortraitPatrik , *1931 SE
lyrics by, swedish
Bengt H. Malmquist photography
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Silverdrömmar (Mary's Boy Child)Lily Berglund Och Nils WeingardÅke Gerhard
2Sänd En Hälsning Hem Med En Bukett ViolerLily Berglund Och Nils WeingardEvald Helmer, Walter Lance
3Den Vackraste SångenLily Berglund Och Nils WeingardPatrik
4Varför Fälla TårarLily Berglund Och Nils WeingardPatrik
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