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Album Cover
Lily Electric
You're In The Painting You Saw

Album DK 2008 on Tactic Records label
Rock (Pop Rock, Indie Rock)

Recorded June-October 2007 Thanks to: Upfront Booking, Target Distribution,, Polarzoo & Alex, Dansk Skuespillerforbund, ROSA/MXD, KODA, DMF, Kunststyrelsen & Kunstrådet

PortraitLily Electric , 2005-2009 DK
album by
PortraitMorten Dybdal b,
PortraitRasmus Valldorf dr, DK
Tobias Mynborg
PortraitBjarke Porsmose voc, g, bvoc,
lead vocals, guitar
PortraitAnders Meldgaard ,
keyboards, saxophone
Mia Edelgart artwork
Jacob Darfelt cover, design
Henrik Bowadt management
Tim Young mastered by
Dimitri Tikovoï mixed by
Luca Berti photography by
Mikkel Holtoug producer
Marco Birkner recorded by
Nikolaj Vinten mastered by
Steffen Breum mixed by
Lily Electric
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1You're In The Painting You SawLily Electric3:35
2Do You Miss Your FeatherLily Electric2:44
3Don't Change The Suit When It's YouLily Electric3:55
4No Art Worth The Look Of YouLily Electric5:51
5ChurchbellsLily Electric3:15
6In Your RoomLily Electric5:34
7Now I See You NowhereLily Electric3:32
8Do You Bear The Truth In Your Silver HandsLily Electric3:37
9BlasredLily Electric4:04
10Love Travels FarLily Electric6:13
11Naughty GirlLily Electric3:39
12MalinkèLily Electric1:41
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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