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Album Cover
Little Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
Killer Joe / Little Arrows

Compil. GB 2009 on 7T's Records label

PortraitLittle Jimmy Osmond voc,
album by
PortraitJimmy Osmond voc, *1963 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Killer JoeLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
2Little Girls Are FunLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
3My GirlLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
4Mama'd Know What To DoLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
5(Let Me Be Your) Teddy BearLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
6Long Haired Lover From LiverpoolLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
7If My Dad Were PresidentLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
8Tweedlee DeeLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
9Mother Of MineLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
10Rubber BallLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
11Little ArrowsLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
12I'm Gonna Knock On Your DoorLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
13Day OLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
14Tic Tac ToeLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
15Keep Your Eye On The Girlie You LoveLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
16The Good Old Bad Old DaysLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
17AngryLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
18Purple People EaterLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
19Don't You RememberLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
20Good Ole Mammy SongLittle Jimmy Osmond / Jimmy Osmond
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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