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Little Tragedies

Band, *1994 RU
A.k.a. Маленькие Трагедии

Little Tragedies (Russian: Маленькие Трагедии-Malenkiye Tragediyi) are a Russian language progressive rock, art rock and symphonic rock band from Russia. Arguably the most important progressive rock band in Russia.

Popular Tracks   
Prologue on New Faust by Little Tragedies
The Prophets on New Faust by Little Tragedies
Matryoshka Dolls on Magic Shop by Little Tragedies
Eternal on New Faust by Little Tragedies
Two Demons on New Faust by Little Tragedies
I am tired to be around people... on New Faust by Little Tragedies
Overture on Magic Shop by Little Tragedies
Malvina and Piero on Magic Shop by Little Tragedies
Cup of Life on New Faust by Little Tragedies
The Sheriff on Magic Shop by Little Tragedies

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
At NightsLittle Tragedies2014Album
ObsessedLittle Tragedies2011Album
The Paris SymphonyLittle Tragedies2009Album
КрестLittle Tragedies2008Album
Chinese Songs Part TwoLittle Tragedies2007Album
Chinese Songs Part OneLittle Tragedies2007Album
Шестое Чувство / The Sixth SenseLittle Tragedies2006Album
Новый ФаустLittle Tragedies2006Album
ReturnLittle Tragedies2005Album
Porcelain PavilionLittle Tragedies2000Album
The Sun Of SpiritLittle Tragedies2000Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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